by gorshar » Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:13 pm
Re: DHowser's idea.
My initial response was that this has potential and would introduce some very interesting bidding dynamics. Then I went to brush my teeth and fix my morning coffee....
I see a real problem with this, in that it really stacks the bidding to favor the nominating manager, almost to the point of making this resemble a live draft but with no drafting order. For example - let's say I'm lucky enough to get one of the first nominations. So I put up Ruth. High bid is 18 mil. Let's use a 10% premium because it's easy, so I claim him for 19.8 and I get to nominate again. I put up Gehrig. High bid is 13 mil. So I snag him for 14.3 mil. I get to nominate again. Hornsby!!! High bid is 14 mil. So I snag him for 15.4. And I get to nominate again. Kiner!!!!! High bid is 11 mil. Mine for 12.1!!!
Okay I just spent 61.6 but stacked my line-up with Ruth, Gehrig, Hornsby, and Kiner and there wasn't a thing any of the other 11 managers could do about it. This is not acceptable.
Yes, we could arrange it so that if you take a player in this manner, the nomination passes to another manager, but given that in the beginning many nominations will result in the nominator taking the player themselves, than we should just do a standard live draft because that's what this will sort of look like.
Or.... we put a massive premium like 50% or more.
Or.... we keep the present system because I don't think it's broken at all. I find it very easy to work around to get (or at least have a chance to get) the players I want.