by thisisray » Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:13 pm
[quote:3a8bfdf781="kaviksdad"][quote:3a8bfdf781]I nominate Kaviskdad to maintain the official rosters as it is without question his brainchild and forte.[/quote:3a8bfdf781]
I appreciate the props Smitty, but I am going to have to decline. Also I will be leaving the league after season 2 this year (if we have one) or immediately if it is decided that only one season will be played this year.
I can assure you all that it has nothing to do with any of the current controversies brewing, and I am not leaving out of spite, anger or anything like that. As a few of you might know, I am involved in a few personal issues right now that make it impossible for me to devote the time necessary to be successful, and if I'm not going to be successful there's no point other than the camaraderie with my fellow owners. As I'm still involved in other leagues with many of you I'll still be able to maintain that. But I must downsize my involvement to allow me to keep playing while dealing with work and personal issues that are commanding more and more of my time. I'm sure some of you have noticed a more "hair-trigger" reaction in my interactions with you, and that's a result of the things I'm dealing with right now, and if I've pissed off anyone I apologize. I just really need time now more than anything and time is the one commodity that I can't seem to find enough of.
But it's been fun, and I do like the concept. Perhaps when things settle down a bit I'll be able to come back and perhaps be a replacement owner some day.
Why wouldn't we do season 2? The original rules were for two seasons and we had a vote and kept the 2 seasons. There should be no discussion from here on out. We are playing two seasons.