Major League Keeper League

Postby thisisray » Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:28 am

I believe we have come through this issue before. After discussing the rules we have established that when we do the mid season prospect draft you can only draft a player who has no MLB experience prior to the current MLB season. I think this is also how it is run in most other keeper leagues that follow these rules. Kaviksdad can confirm or deny this. If I am wrong I will repick.
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:38 am

[quote:f0cd7939cc="thisisray"]I believe we have come through this issue before. After discussing the rules we have established that when we do the mid season prospect draft you can only draft a player who has no MLB experience prior to the current MLB season. I think this is also how it is run in most other keeper leagues that follow these rules. Kaviksdad can confirm or deny this. If I am wrong I will repick.[/quote:f0cd7939cc]

Being the "new guy" I can't comment on how it's been done before.

But in all the leagues I'm in that have prospect drafts this is the policy:

To be eligible for the prospect draft a player must 1) have no MLB experience prior to the current MLB season, and 2) signed by a professional baseball organization (MLB, Japan, Independent pro leagues, etc.). No current year MLB draft picks (even if they've signed) and no college players.

So if MLKL is like all the rest, Jon Jay is a valid prospect pick.
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Postby blsmith7 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:14 am

Works for me - thanks for the clarification.
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Postby kaviksdad » Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:35 am

Looks like we've stalled again.

For all you pennant contenders out there, everyone on my roster is available EXCEPT for the following:

A. Escobar
A. McCutchen
C. Buccholz
M. Latos
J. Hellickson

I'm looking at getting better, younger and stronger for next year and beyond. So I'm interested in good young players, prospects and picks.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:19 pm

Round 1

1.ThisisRay - Jon Jay OF StL
2.ThisisDan - Travis Wood SP Cin
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Postby TefJ » Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:25 pm

Does Jagman know that it's his turn? He's taking forever to pick... Also, I think we're going to need to get an updated email list for KD (or Ray, who I think is managing the MLKL email account), since that last email I got, I noticed that there were some emails of people who are no longer in the league, such as KLX and DJ.
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Postby jagman2882 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:22 pm

Round 1

1.ThisisRay - Jon Jay OF StL
2.ThisisDan - Travis Wood SP Cin
3.Jagman - Jose Tabata OF PIT
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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:57 pm

Guys - I don't want to get anyone's panties in a bunch, and I'm not calling anyone out, but there is a serious lack of attention being paid by most of us here in MLKL. I can say, as a commissioner in a couple of these leagues and a member of 8 others, these long absences aren't the norm and when they do happen there are deadlines set and replacements found so those that do pay attention and are ready for league activities don't get held up.

I believe everyone here, myself included, needs to make a firm decision as to whether to stay here in MLKL and become more responsive, or whether the commitment level is too high and it would be better to move on. These types of leagues aren't for everyone, and it takes a higher level of commitment and responsibility when committing to a league like this.

I'm in it for the long haul, and the more time I'm in the league the more you'll hear my point of view regarding league matters. I've no desire to "take over and run things" but I do want to be successful and as helpful as I can. I'm hoping the rest of you share my goal.
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Postby blsmith7 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:54 pm

Couldn't agree with you more KD. It's the most frustrating thing that guys can't check in once a day. Believe it or not, I do have a life, yet I am still able to check in regularly. 5 days between picks is just ridiculous.
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:20 pm

[quote:510dbc0b7d="7smitty7"]Couldn't agree with you more KD. It's the most frustrating thing that guys can't check in once a day. Believe it or not, I do have a life, yet I am still able to check in regularly. 5 days between picks is just ridiculous.[/quote:510dbc0b7d]

I don't believe you Smitty...I've heard, from reliable sources mind you, that you actually have no life.

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