8 1/2 ATG5 Squads + 4 NeL Player DRAFT & Chat Thread.

Postby modmark46 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:46 pm

[color=red:31898016b5]EVERYONE READ! [/color:31898016b5]It has been suggested that the current draft set up gives an unfair advantage to those of us drafting early in the first round (mainly the first 4 or 5 spots), as we are also due to get the first early picks when we begin drafting NeL players starting in RD 9. I can see how this could create too much of an imbalance. My bad for not thinking it through better. I am fine with either starting RD 9 with the inverse of RD 1; Cubs48 goes first, then WarrenBob, Bontomn and so on. Or, as suggested by Bontomn, running another randomizer to determine a new draft order for the 4 NeL rounds (although it's conceivable one of us with an early round one pick could again be slotted early).
BUT, I know it can cause problems changing up the original rules once the draft has begun. [b:31898016b5]Therefore, I am only willing to change this if EVERYONE signs off on it[/b:31898016b5]. [i:31898016b5]If even one person has an issue with changing it, then I am leaving it as is. [/i:31898016b5]So, it must be UNAMINOUS! So, say yes or no, please. No "I don't cares".

YES, change it, current setup is too imbalanced - Misterg, Wrz, Andycummings, Bontomn,

NO, we all knew the draft setup when we signed on. Leave it -

1. SteveAmes - NYY PRE Hitting
2. Modmark - NYY POST Hitting
3. Frank M - CUBS PRE Hitting
4. DonFESQ - PHA PRE hitting
5. wrz25 - CLE DB Hitting
6. Bunze0 - NYG POST Hitting
7. Misterg - CIN EXP Hitting
8. danielz - ATL EXP Pitching
9. andycummings - MIL POST Hitting
10. bontomn - DET PRE Hitting
11. Warrenbob - NYG PRE Hitting
12. Cubs48 - BKN POST Hitting

12. Cubs48 - BOS PRE Hitting
11. Warrenbob - SF Giants EXP Hitting (proxy)
10. bontomn - NYG DB PItching
9. andycummings - PIT db Hitting
8. danielz - Oakland EXP hitting (proxy)
7. Misterg - Cubs DB pitching
6. Bunze0 -
5. wrz25 -
4. DonFESQ -
3. Frank M -
2. Modmark -
1. SteveAmes -
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Postby DonFESQ » Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:48 pm

I vote against changing anything. It sucks if you don't get the #1 pick but we all had a 1 in 12 chance of getting it and 11 of us didn't get it. I think the only real boon is to pick #1 as NYY pre hitting and Gibson is far superior to everything else. NYY post and Charleston/Stearnes is solid too but not like the Ruth, Gehrig, Dimaggio, Gibson situation.

Everyone else is about the same.
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Postby errormagnate » Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:55 pm

I do not agree with changing it and not because i happen to have had the #1 pick but I did think one could simply draft a NeL player anytime and that could be a strategy -seems like a whole lot easier change to me than re-randomizing or reversing orders etc. and it was what i thought it was to begin with .
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Postby wrz25 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:15 pm

It looks like we are sticking with the rules as originally stated which is fine as we all knew them at the time we joined. Besides this is a fun theme so we should all have a good time.

While discussing rules one thing that is not clear which should be firmed up before we draft the NEL players is are we required to keep 4 NEL players on our roster all season or can we release or not put them on our draft card? I assume we can trade them as trades are allowed.
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Postby Bunze0 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:27 pm

I am ok with whatever you all decide. Only question i have is what is the rule say for example you draft oak and it has big mac you must use that card correct? you can then use the st lious mac?
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Postby wrz25 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:34 pm

[quote:e1b883b810="bunze0"]I am ok with whatever you all decide. Only question i have is what is the rule say for example you draft oak and it has big mac you must use that card correct? you can then use the st lious mac?[/quote:e1b883b810]

This is from the rules as posted above. "In case of players with multiple cards, first owner drafting a squad with that player gets him, but must use the player's card for the team drafted." I assume that means you can't switch out in the case of Big Mac to his 8.50 St. Louis card.

Second follow up question come to mind. Let's say team that drafted Oak-Exp does not put Big Mac on their draft card can the team that drafts St Louis-Exp pick him up during free agency?
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Postby warrenbob52 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:35 pm

I vote to go in reverse order in the draft for NEL players as i agree one team shouldn't have the best ML Ruth and then get to pick the NEL player Gibson.
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Postby modmark46 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:37 pm

OK, it's NOT unanimous, [b:623b38252d]so we are staying with the original setup[/b:623b38252d]. And while I agree that the Pre NYY with one of the big NeL hitters (Gibson, Charleston, etc.) poses a very impressive lineup, I by no means think that automatically gives Steve (Errormagnate) the crown. I've played in many leagues, theme and not, where a guy had cornered the market on the big Yankee hitters, coupled with some other big boppers, and they did not win it all. Sometimes they didn't even make the playoffs. Luck plays a huge factor, and everyone should be able to comprise some pretty impressive lineups.

RE: the NeL players you draft. I'm inclined to allow people to drop their NeL players, post auto draft, for OTHER NeL players. But, you must always have 4 (no more, no less) NeL players on your team. And yes, you can trade NeL players for other NeL players.

And yes, you are forced to use the card for the player of the squad you draft. EX - I drafted the post NYY hitters, which has the '50 Mize on it. If I choose to use Mize, THAT's the card I get to use, not his superior StL Pre '40 card.

RE: WRZ's follow up question. Good one. I would say, if someone chooses to NOT have a guy on their roster (like Mize in my above example), then there's no reason that a team that has ANOTHER card for that player (StL Pre in the Mize example) couldn't then claim him as their own, and get the superior version, if it works out that way. Could make for some interesting strategies and/or trades.
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Postby andycummings65 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:42 pm

so you have first dibs on Mize, but if you do not use him, the guy who takes the STL pre gets him, correct?

Also, the fact that this is 140m cap makes a big difference in our moot discussion. 140m is basically 200m without the high $$ subs, 7m spot starters and the ability to drop and add players based on matchups. I assumed there would be a separate draft for NeL players, but just was excited to see a good theme league and didnt read carefully enough.......
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Bumping up.

Postby modmark46 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:43 pm

**REMEMBER** - In case of players with multiple cards, first owner drafting a squad with that player gets him, but must use the player's card for the team drafted.
And also, that your four hitting and pitching squads MUST consist of one each of the DB, Pre, Post and Exp teams.

1. SteveAmes - NYY PRE Hitting
2. Modmark - NYY POST Hitting
3. Frank M - CUBS PRE Hitting
4. DonFESQ - PHA PRE hitting
5. wrz25 - CLE DB Hitting
6. Bunze0 - NYG POST Hitting
7. Misterg - CIN EXP Hitting
8. danielz - ATL EXP Pitching
9. andycummings - MIL POST Hitting
10. bontomn - DET PRE Hitting
11. Warrenbob - NYG PRE Hitting
12. Cubs48 - BKN POST Hitting

12. Cubs48 - BOS PRE Hitting
11. Warrenbob - SF Giants EXP Hitting (proxy)
10. bontomn - NYG DB PItching
9. andycummings - PIT db Hitting
8. danielz - Oakland EXP hitting (proxy)
7. Misterg - Cubs DB pitching
6. Bunze0 -
5. wrz25 -
4. DonFESQ -
3. Frank M -
2. Modmark -
1. SteveAmes -

*Andy, answered your question in my post just above your post. But, yes. :)
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