[color=red:31898016b5]EVERYONE READ! [/color:31898016b5]It has been suggested that the current draft set up gives an unfair advantage to those of us drafting early in the first round (mainly the first 4 or 5 spots), as we are also due to get the first early picks when we begin drafting NeL players starting in RD 9. I can see how this could create too much of an imbalance. My bad for not thinking it through better. I am fine with either starting RD 9 with the inverse of RD 1; Cubs48 goes first, then WarrenBob, Bontomn and so on. Or, as suggested by Bontomn, running another randomizer to determine a new draft order for the 4 NeL rounds (although it's conceivable one of us with an early round one pick could again be slotted early).
BUT, I know it can cause problems changing up the original rules once the draft has begun. [b:31898016b5]Therefore, I am only willing to change this if EVERYONE signs off on it[/b:31898016b5]. [i:31898016b5]If even one person has an issue with changing it, then I am leaving it as is. [/i:31898016b5]So, it must be UNAMINOUS! So, say yes or no, please. No "I don't cares".
YES, change it, current setup is too imbalanced - Misterg, Wrz, Andycummings, Bontomn,
NO, we all knew the draft setup when we signed on. Leave it -
1. SteveAmes - NYY PRE Hitting
2. Modmark - NYY POST Hitting
3. Frank M - CUBS PRE Hitting
4. DonFESQ - PHA PRE hitting
5. wrz25 - CLE DB Hitting
6. Bunze0 - NYG POST Hitting
7. Misterg - CIN EXP Hitting
8. danielz - ATL EXP Pitching
9. andycummings - MIL POST Hitting
10. bontomn - DET PRE Hitting
11. Warrenbob - NYG PRE Hitting
12. Cubs48 - BKN POST Hitting
12. Cubs48 - BOS PRE Hitting
11. Warrenbob - SF Giants EXP Hitting (proxy)
10. bontomn - NYG DB PItching
9. andycummings - PIT db Hitting
8. danielz - Oakland EXP hitting (proxy)
7. Misterg - Cubs DB pitching
6. Bunze0 -
5. wrz25 -
4. DonFESQ -
3. Frank M -
2. Modmark -
1. SteveAmes -