ATG6 Auction: Closed bidding and nomination thread

Postby gorshar » Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:18 pm

[quote:47e07a010f]And looking at the financial page, I am miffed as to why Potkettleblack didn't win Vance. He has the $ available to claim him. [/quote:47e07a010f]
Time. At the time that Vance was awarded pkb was also responsible to Miljus at 2.50. That Miljus would be won by another was not yet known therefore he was bidding on Vance with money he didn't have.
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Postby gorshar » Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:56 pm

[quote:61e2c3d993]But....there clearly is an objection here.....Therefore-

Rather than having danielz nominate a new pitcher to replace Vance, I would propose that that auction also be rescinded and thrown to an open auction.....[/quote:61e2c3d993]
I didn't necessarily see this as an objection, but if it is, then am I to understand that danielz does *NOT* want Vance?
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:20 pm


I see two options, one is take the decisions exactly as hackra has made them, and just go ahead.

the other is to wind back til the problems started (Charleston?) and cancel him and everyone proposed since then, and restart from that point.

I am OK with either of these options.

Either way, I would like to have clear policy of how we handle overbids in the future.
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Postby DOHowser1 » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:12 pm

My vote is with the suggestion from Hackra, that Vance is now put in an open auction opening at 3.00 by DHowser with the managers who bid on Vance to be involved.

I also second, and third, the comments from Litangel and Hackra, that each manager going forward is responsible for their own bidding, and keeping track of their remaining funds.

Let's get on with it.
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Postby danielz » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:20 pm

I see two options, one is take the decisions exactly as hackra has made them, and just go ahead. [/quote:d027ca4531]

This is easiest
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Claiming Vance, New Pitcher

Postby danielz » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:21 pm

Carl Hubbell
opening bid 1.0
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Postby gorshar » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:33 pm


We can assume that danielz's nomination of Huibbell means he does want Vance. Whew.

But regardless why would Vance have to be restarted. pkb's 4.84 was invalid, danielz was the next highest bidder with a valid legal lawful legitimate acceptable bid of 4.68. Nobody else is affected by this. Nobody else was within 10%. Vance belongs to danielz. Done.

Please, let's MOVE ON.

This is getting silly.
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Postby hackra » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:38 pm

I'm glad to see that danielz seems to be comfortable taking Vance (he is a HOF pitcher after all) at the price bid and moving the auction along. 8-)
(So let's forget about throwing this one to an open auction) :!:

:arrow: Regarding a clear policy on what to handle overbids in the future....I think and hope that we have sorted out all of the past controversy first (before we delve into a new policy).

The previously stated policies are not bad in my opinion, but it is hard to apply to multiple bids at once. That said, I do not think we should diminish the number of players being bid upon at one time.

Future overbids should fall under the previously stated rules first...if there is an overbid on a single player, the bid is illegal and will be disregarded.

We have run into problems with managers placing multiple bids which in total exceed the manager's budget. The simple solution would be for managers NOT to make these excessive multiple bids.

I think the majority opinion is that the timeline of consideration should be the time of opening or bidding.

Perhaps the solution should be a penalty for making multiple bids that in toto exceed the managers budget.

I would propose this kind of penalty :arrow: The manager should lose $0.50 from your bidding budget if you can afford the penalty. Otherwise you lose your lowest priced player at the time (along with any money spent on that player)- who then becomes ineligible for any team, and must be replaced by Ralph Botting, Bennie Daniels, or Ken Rudolf (depending on position of the lost player). If the very unfortunate circumstance would come up that a replacement penalty player needs to be named, that player would be selected by sorting the available SP/RP, pure RP, or catchers by highest ERA or lowest OPS).

Another hard part involves illegal opening bids in my opinion (again, I think this will be clearer with the current controversies all resolved). My belief is that any opening bid AND any open auction bid dollars should be considered commited EVEN IF A HIGHER BID HAS BEEN RECIEVED, until results are posted as it is still okay to cancel a bid or change it prior to the 24 hour clock or a result announcement.

I know this is rambling and unclear, but if someone has a reasonable policy suggestion that is clear, please put it forward.
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Postby kimkrichbaum2 » Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:58 pm

We seem to have a consensus and a ruling on going forward with the decisions Rick has made (great thanks for piloting us through this confusing time, Rick)

That leaves us with this as our current status:

Pujols 4.00 (DHowser) expires at 22.00 Fri - now closed
Yount 2.00 Dhowser expires at 22.00 Fri - now closed
Murphy .72 Ironwill expires at 20.44 Sat

Eddie Plank 1.00 ironwill expires at 17.37 Sat
Hubbell 1.00 Danielz expires at 23.21 Sat
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My understanding (litangel beat me to it)

Postby hackra » Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:02 am

I believe all are willing to live with the results posted so far including awarding Vance, Jeter, Charleston, and Miljus and canceling the nomination for Al Simmons.

Therefore I consider the past controversies to be over, done, gone, resolved, finito :!:

current nominees-

Pujols 4.00 (DHowser) expires at 22:00 Fri
Yount 2.00 (DHowser) expires at 22:00 Fri
Murphy .72 (ironwill1) expires at 20:44 Sat

Eddie Plank 1.00 (ironwill1) expires at 17:37 Sat
Hubbell 1.00 (danielz) expires at 23:21 Sat

there are no current open auctions going on the last 2 awarded were Collins to DHowser for $7.00 and Jeter to ironwill1 for $7.10
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