Event #6, League #3 Sign-ups

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby Great Unwashed » Sun Sep 18, 2005 7:56 pm

Zim, the main reason for asking AT to move to another league is because pope needs it. We all respect AT, but's it's not as though we're evicting him from his apartment and throwing him in the street - he'll find another league and be just as happy with it. Also, I will admit, I'm a bit prejudiced against AT on this one because of his choice to inconvenience us by refusing to even look at these boards, as if it would take him longer than 30 seconds to figure it out. It's not really that big a deal, I know, but then neither is it a big deal to switch AT with someone from another league. If it was truly important to him he would have have been communicating with us himself right here. I really don't think he'll mind.
Great Unwashed
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Postby novie » Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:22 pm

Glad I checked in, as I was wondering why in the world this league STILL hadn't been filled yet.

Here's my issue.... I jumped into this league since it seemed like it was going to start tomorrow. I'm not the least bit happy that we are waiting another week. That said, I have commitments later in the week and will have to withdraw if we aren't filled by tomorrow night. A Thursday frenzy is absolutely out of the question for me. I have a family situation that I will be tending to w/ my brother on Thursday and will not be available.

I'll check in on Monday.
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Postby FoggyOne » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:09 pm

I am ready to go whenever..................

Patience is a virtue.
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Postby alphonso » Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:58 am

I am ready to enter anytime today. (except from 6:30pm-8:30pm)

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Postby john duff » Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:31 am

Zim, foggy,

It's not a question of tinkering or patience. From Fri-Mon I will be off in the woods (no foggy, not THAT woods), where if I even smell a computer I fully intend to assault it with my Swiss Army knife, or slather it in honey and feed it to a black bear. I'd like a chance to see the waivers go through and make a couple changes before I go. Needless to say, when I signed up for a fairly full autodraft league last Tues, I didn't anticipate a problem.

Anyway, Novie can't draft Tues. so that leaves today for me to get in. If it doesn't work out, I'm sure you can replace me without a problem. Personally, I hate the idea of holding 11 other guys hostage to serve my own purposes. If for some reason you can't find a replacement by Thurs. nite, I'll enter my team and do the best I can.
john duff
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Postby FoggyOne » Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:41 am

Didn't mean to imply that you weren't patient. most Pontiff's are very patient. I meant that I am in no rush to finish another season 79-83.
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Postby pacoboy » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:06 am

GU, since you volunteered to LC on these boards I'll leave it to you to do what you think is best.

Since 1 guy can't get in till tomorrow and another must draft today....it's a no win situation.

Personally, I'd go over the league 4 and recruit 1 person to take the spot ASAP - fill this today and expalin AT that life must go on.

I have no problem w/ AT personally - I like AT - he's a great guy on these boards and in leagues with him - but I will say that this has happened before and honestly it does get anyoying when you get all reved up for an autodraft and have to wait - forgetting who the heck you picked etc....... I'll leave it at that. I'm not shy, I'm allowed to be anoyed....but it's not the end of the world either way.
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Postby Great Unwashed » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:33 am

I've sent AT an email explaining the situation and asking if he would mind being switched. Hopefully he picks up his hotmail regularly. I think he might be able to get in today, but if not, hopefully with his consent we'll try to fill tonight with somebody from another league.
Great Unwashed
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Postby pacoboy » Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:40 pm

GU, if we don't pull the trigger NOW then it's a moot point.....but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

From what I read we need to fill TONIGHT or someone is guaranteed to leave either way.....kind of hard to find someone and THEN contact 4 guys all in the span of a few hrs.

We have 11 guys ready to go........minus 1 plus 1 still gives us 11.

Hopefully the WEST 4 guys are all around tonight to enter their teams in the event SOMEONE fills out the Central.

Seems league # 4 is full and will probably draft before we do :roll:
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:55 pm

Not sure if it helps or creates more of a problem but I still need to do Round 6(not that I am in finals contention though in theory not eliminated) and can enter whenever. Let me know.
Mr Baseball World
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