Big Bang Auction

Postby hackra » Tue Feb 08, 2011 3:16 am

[quote:b089b70c69="Mr. Baseball World"]I need to figure out a way to be more efficient doing this. Believe I have PotKettleBlack with bold for his winning bids.[/quote:b089b70c69]

I'm working on a spreadsheet is a bit time consuming.....

....also, there were several people who were math challenged...I'll get into that later, but will probably need a decision by gorshar or mediation by Mr. BBW to deal with them.

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Okay....colated results

Postby hackra » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:59 am

Well, I entered everyones info on my spreadsheet and here are the problems I saw that I think should be mentioned.

Many people assumed the wrong price on cards (toward the $200 mil. cap) there were really no HUGE errors, but a couple of people exceeded the cap because of it (by a tad)

Joekendall priced Clemens at went over the cap
DHowser priced Koufax at 9.71 went over the cap
ironwill1 priced Willie Wilson at 3.89 (he is 3.98) went over the cap
Frank Bailey priced Randy Johnson at 9.21...but didn't go over the cap .....
HOWEVER, Frank also bid 1.12 on Bagwell (who should have a minimum bid of 1.16)

not sure how gorshar would like to handle this, but all in all I don't think any of it is a big deal considering the complexity.

My suggestions ----
joekendall and DHowser were outbid on the players in question anyway, so I suggest we let it slide.
since I doubt anybody else wants Willie Wilson, I suggest we let ironwill1 have him.
Frank Baily should probably get Bagwell as he was the only one who bid on him, BUT since he didn't have enough money to make the minimum bid perhaps Bagwell should go back in the pool.

One other issue I will also mention, Mantlefan really did underbid his $200 mil by a lot. It was all legal, and he got all his 50 cent backups, but perhaps we should consider allowing him to take an extra roster spot (and to be fair allow everyone else to take a 50 cent backup (500k players only) as their 26th player if they want to do so and have the cap room)...just a thought.

Still gorshars Call on all of that. :!:

I will post the results as I have them (will leave out Bagwell for now until we hear from gorshar).

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Pitchers with bidding by price

Postby hackra » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:34 am

Greg Maddux 11.3 for 5 to jamesgang77 (only bidder)
Pete Alexander 10.99 for 3 to jamesgang77 (only bidder)
Ed Walsh 10.79 for 11.11 to wrz25 (over Jamesgang77) *correction
Pedro Martinez 10.54 for 10.06 to FrankBailey (over joekendall and jamesgang)
3finger Brown 10.39 for 4 to gorshar (only bidder)
Addie Joss 10.19 for 5.51 to DHowser (over gorshar and Mantlefan)
Sandy Koufax for 10.15 for 4.11 to joekendall (over both Howsers)
Walter Johnson 10.08 for 3.5 to gorshar (only bid)
Carlton 9.84 for 4.26 to DHowser (only bid)
Mathewson 9.8 for 4.26 to DHowser (over gorshar)
Bob Gibson 9.72 for 6.7 to carr20 (only bid)
Pfiester 9.69 for 3.5 to ironwill1 (over FrankBailey)
Clemens 9.53 for 7.25 to PotKettleBlack (over joekendall and DOHowser)
Covaleski 9.49 for 4 to PKB (over hackra and wrz)
McLain 9.42 for 3.52 to DOHowser (over carr20)
Vance 9.41 for 5.5 PKB (over DOHowser)
Paige 9.41 for 5 to Mantlefan (only bid)
Randy Johnson 9.31 for 6.67 to wrz (gorshar, Frank, Joe and James)
Hubbell 9.26 for 2.04 to hackra (only bid)
Guidry 9.22 for 4.7 to mantlefan (carr20 and wrz)
Cy Young 9.15 for 2.51 to DHowser (hackra and DOHowser)
Santana 9.14 for 3.75 to PKB (mantlefan and carr20)
Waddell 8.80 for 3 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Lincecum 8.7 for 3.5 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Babe Adams 8.29 for 4.85 to FrankBailey (over hackra)
Slim Jones 8.09 for 2.04 to hackra (only bid)
Reulbach 8.06 for 1.04 to hackra (only bid)
Schilling 8.02 for 0.81 to PKB (only bid)

more to come, but I need to get off to work a bit. I'll try to enter the rest later today if I have the time
Last edited by hackra on Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby gorshar » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:58 am

It's been standard auction procedure that invalid bids are discarded.


Incorrect values and invalid bids have to be tossed out.

joekendall did not win Clemens, so this is ignored
DHowser did not win Koufax, so this is ignored
[b:54ad3c519b]ironwill DID win Willie Wilson, so the bid is invalid and Willie Wilson is available in the next round as no one else bid on him.[/b:54ad3c519b]
Frank Bailey did not win Randy Johnson, so this is ignored
[b:54ad3c519b]Frank Bailey DID win Jeff Bagwell, so the bid is invalid and Jeff Bagwell is available in the next round as no else bid on him.[/b:54ad3c519b]

As usual I am open to consider dissenting opinions. I see the point about letting ironwill have Wilson but in the name of consistency he should go back to the pool and ironwill can try picking him up again.

[quote:54ad3c519b]Joekendall priced Clemens at went over the cap
DHowser priced Koufax at 9.71 went over the cap
ironwill1 priced Willie Wilson at 3.89 (he is 3.98) went over the cap
Frank Bailey priced Randy Johnson at 9.21...but didn't go over the cap .....
HOWEVER, Frank also bid 1.12 on Bagwell (who should have a minimum bid of 1.16) [/quote:54ad3c519b]

I am also a little concerned with mantlefan's list. It's clear he doesn't quite grasp the auction concept and I hope for his sake it's not too late for him to repair the damage.
mantle are you clear that you have $200 mil of SOM value to use? Also do you understand that because of the $200 mil SOM values the rosters resemble $200 mil leagues and therefore it is not necessary to fill out a team with cheap players, that your bench will be mostly $5-8 mil players?

I have no problem with allowing him an extra roster spot, heck he can have two.
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Postby gorshar » Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:06 am

There is one tie Martin Dihigo.

It is myself and Frank Bailey at 0.57.

I wrote in the rules that anyone can make the first bid, but I guess that isn't entirely fair.

I think we need someone to offer a clarification to what I didn't explain well and it can't be me because I'm already involved.
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Postby KEITHMARTELL » Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:23 am

Ok thank you. I didn't quite understand the 200 mil as we all can see.
Thanks for that extra player but I do not want him. I wanna have the same amount of players for the same amount money. It was my error so I will keep the 500k players. I will just make sure I make up the 500k players with more expensive guys.
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2nd tie

Postby hackra » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:40 am

[quote:5a0f77f3ae="gorshar"]There is one tie Martin Dihigo.

It is myself and Frank Bailey at 0.57.

I wrote in the rules that anyone can make the first bid, but I guess that isn't entirely fair.

I think we need someone to offer a clarification to what I didn't explain well and it can't be me because I'm already involved.[/quote:5a0f77f3ae]

Ron Leflore is also a tie...between joekendall and DOHowser at 0.50

Not easy to be entirely fair...I would say that one "fair" way to deal with a tie is that both managers MUST include the player they tied on in their next round of bidding. then IF it is tied a second time, it goes to an open auction with the manager who has the MOST money spent already toward the $200 million salary cap getting the opening bid at the tied price.

what do you think?
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Postby PotKettleBlack » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:48 am

I impress myself sometimes.

13 of 25 bids won, with $65+M left to fill, and $22.53 left to work with. 2.81 average bid left...

I think the team will be called the Chicago Unwanted.
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Postby gorshar » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:54 am

I think I like Hackra's idea.
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Postby PotKettleBlack » Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:58 am

Here's what was written originally about ties:

[quote:bb4d0200f6]In the case of ties, the tying owners have 24 hours to begin an open auction on the player starting with the tying bid - either owner can claim the first bid. In the name of expediency if you don't want to bid further post a pass don't sit silent waiting for 24 hours to pass. Bids may be increased at $100K intervals minimum. In the event neither owner wants to continue, the player is awarded to the next highest bidder. If no such person exists the player is back in the available pool of players.
I started a thread for the two ties to be resolved.

First mover gets the advantages of first refusal or first incremental bid. The second mover gets the advantage of knowing what the first mover did.

As fair as it's liable to be, unless you want to change the rules and bid them in closed manner through a third party.

I do not volunteer to be the third party. I have a ten hour conference call that I'm not paying attention to right now. That won't last (the not paying attention, not the conference call... that will last forever).
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