by hackra » Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:28 am
Jack Taylor 7.57 for 1.25 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Marius Russo 7.43 for 2.04 to hackra (over FrankBailey)
Dizzy Dean 7.29 for 1.25 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Tom Hall 6.88 for 1.12 to carr20 (only bid)
Newhauser 6.26 for 1 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Trevor Hoffmann 5.85 for 3.75 to PotKettleBlack (over DHowser)
Billy Wagner 5.78 for 3.5 to gorshar (carr20, DHowser, Frank)
Hilton Smith 5.69 for 0.6 to carr20 (only bid)
Mariano Rivera 5.59 for 2.8 to gorshar (Frank)
Bruce Sutter 5.53 for 2.31 to joekendall (DOHowser)
Troy Percival 5.38 for 2.25 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Hoyt Wilhelm 5.36 for 2.25 to carr20 (only bid)
Eckersley 5.34 for 3.4 to DHowser (Frank)
Lee Smith 5.28 for 0.76 to DOHowser (only bid)
Barney Schultz 5.27 for 2.61 to hackra (DOHowser)
Smoltz 5.25 for 2.76 to DHowser (PKB, Frank, DOHowser)
Nen 5.01 for 2.6 to gorshar (PKB)
Mossi 5 for 0.51 to wrz (only bid)
Willie Hernandez 4.96 for 2.25 to ironwill1 (Frank, Joe, wrz)
Wetteland 4.94 for 0.53 to wrz (only bid)
John Franco 4.66 for 1.51 to Frank Bailey (PKB)
Dibble 4.61 for 2 to gorshar (hackra, Joe)
Miljus 4.61 for 2.2 to mantlefan (wrz)
Merritt 4.53 for 0.5 to wrz (only bid)
Fryman 4.25 for 2 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Elias Sosa 4.06 for 1.1 to carr20 (only bid)
Danny Darwin 3.94 for 0.5 to wrz (only bid)
Gene Nelson 3.45 for 0.76 to DHowser (only bid)
Wilcy Moore 3.36 for 1.5 to mantlefan (only bid)
Chick Brandom 3.29 for 0.5 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Randy Myers 3.11 for 1.75 to jamesgang (PKB, gorshar, hackra)
Lefferts 2.78 for 0.5 to joekendall (only bid)
Perranoski 2.55 for 0.5 to jamesgang (only bid)
Ruthven 2.04 for 0.50 to joekendall (only bid) *correction
Hrabosky 1.95 for 0.5 to jamesgang (only bid)
Horacio Pina 1.1 for 0.5 to jamesgang (only bid)
Mark Clear 0.92 for 1 to jamesgang (only bid)
Sambito 0.91 for 0.5 to carr20 (only bid)
Lerch 0.50 for 0.50 to DOHowser (only bid)
Bill Campbell 0.50 for 0.50 to mantlefan (only bid)
Steve Crawford 0.50 for 0.50 to mantlefan (only bid)
Tim Conroy 0.50 for 0.50 mantlefan (only bid)
that is all the pitchers to be awarded in the first round
Last edited by
hackra on Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.