by hackra » Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:35 pm
Max, maybe you can edit and retitle the first message in this thread, but I am going to use it as a players taken forum to help with the second round of bidding. (I do love the cut and paste application :D )
Pitchers taken -
Greg Maddux 11.3 for 5 to jamesgang77 (only bidder)
Pete Alexander 10.99 for 3 to jamesgang77 (only bidder)
Ed Walsh 10.79 for 11.11 to wrz25 (over Jamesgang77) *correction
Pedro Martinez 10.54 for 10.06 to FrankBailey (over joekendall and jamesgang)
3finger Brown 10.39 for 4 to gorshar (only bidder)
Addie Joss 10.19 for 5.51 to DHowser (over gorshar and Mantlefan)
Sandy Koufax for 10.15 for 4.11 to joekendall (over both Howsers)
Walter Johnson 10.08 for 3.5 to gorshar (only bid)
Carlton 9.84 for 4.26 to DHowser (only bid)
Mathewson 9.8 for 4.26 to DHowser (over gorshar)
Bob Gibson 9.72 for 6.7 to carr20 (only bid)
Pfiester 9.69 for 3.5 to ironwill1 (over FrankBailey)
Clemens 9.53 for 7.25 to PotKettleBlack (over joekendall and DOHowser)
Covaleski 9.49 for 4 to PKB (over hackra and wrz)
McLain 9.42 for 3.52 to DOHowser (over carr20)
Vance 9.41 for 5.5 PKB (over DOHowser)
Paige 9.41 for 5 to Mantlefan (only bid)
Randy Johnson 9.31 for 6.67 to wrz (gorshar, Frank, Joe and James)
Hubbell 9.26 for 2.04 to hackra (only bid)
Guidry 9.22 for 4.7 to mantlefan (carr20 and wrz)
Cy Young 9.15 for 2.51 to DHowser (hackra and DOHowser)
Santana 9.14 for 3.75 to PKB (mantlefan and carr20)
Waddell 8.80 for 3 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Lincecum 8.7 for 3.5 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Babe Adams 8.29 for 4.85 to FrankBailey (over hackra)
Slim Jones 8.09 for 2.04 to hackra (only bid)
Reulbach 8.06 for 1.04 to hackra (only bid)
Schilling 8.02 for 0.81 to PKB (only bid)
Jack Taylor 7.57 for 1.25 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Marius Russo 7.43 for 2.04 to hackra (over FrankBailey)
Dizzy Dean 7.29 for 1.25 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Tom Hall 6.88 for 1.12 to carr20 (only bid)
Newhauser 6.26 for 1 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Trevor Hoffmann 5.85 for 3.75 to PotKettleBlack (over DHowser)
Billy Wagner 5.78 for 3.5 to gorshar (carr20, DHowser, Frank)
Hilton Smith 5.69 for 0.6 to carr20 (only bid)
Mariano Rivera 5.59 for 2.8 to gorshar (Frank)
Bruce Sutter 5.53 for 2.31 to joekendall (DOHowser)
Troy Percival 5.38 for 2.25 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Hoyt Wilhelm 5.36 for 2.25 to carr20 (only bid)
Eckersley 5.34 for 3.4 to DHowser (Frank)
Lee Smith 5.28 for 0.76 to DOHowser (only bid)
Barney Schultz 5.27 for 2.61 to hackra (DOHowser)
Smoltz 5.25 for 2.76 to DHowser (PKB, Frank, DOHowser)
Nen 5.01 for 2.6 to gorshar (PKB)
Mossi 5 for 0.51 to wrz (only bid)
Willie Hernandez 4.96 for 2.25 to ironwill1 (Frank, Joe, wrz)
Wetteland 4.94 for 0.53 to wrz (only bid)
John Franco 4.66 for 1.51 to Frank Bailey (PKB)
Dibble 4.61 for 2 to gorshar (hackra, Joe)
Miljus 4.61 for 2.2 to mantlefan (wrz)
Merritt 4.53 for 0.5 to wrz (only bid)
Fryman 4.25 for 2 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Elias Sosa 4.06 for 1.1 to carr20 (only bid)
Danny Darwin 3.94 for 0.5 to wrz (only bid)
Gene Nelson 3.45 for 0.76 to DHowser (only bid)
Wilcy Moore 3.36 for 1.5 to mantlefan (only bid)
Chick Brandom 3.29 for 0.5 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Randy Myers 3.11 for 1.75 to jamesgang (PKB, gorshar, hackra)
Lefferts 2.78 for 0.5 to joekendall (only bid)
Perranoski 2.55 for 0.5 to jamesgang (only bid)
Hrabosky 1.95 for 0.5 to jamesgang (only bid)
Horacio Pina 1.1 for 0.5 to jamesgang (only bid)
Mark Clear 0.92 for 1 to jamesgang (only bid)
Sambito 0.91 for 0.5 to carr20 (only bid)
Lerch 0.50 for 0.50 to DOHowser (only bid)
Bill Campbell 0.50 for 0.50 to mantlefan (only bid)
Ruthven 0.50 for 0.50 to joekendall (only bid)
Steve Crawford 0.50 for 0.50 to mantlefan (only bid)
Tim Conroy 0.50 for 0.50 mantlefan (only bid)
Hitters taken (by primary position on their most expensive card)
Josh Gibson 13.69 for 13 to mantlefan (only bid)
Piazza 9.93 for 4 to jamesgang (only bid)
Campanella 7.51 for 2.7 to carr20 (only bid)
Fisk 7.43 for 1 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Cochrane 7.14 for 4.72 to FrankBailey (PKB. Joe)
Mackey 6.97 for 2.04 to hackra (ironwill, DHowser, Joe)
Howard 6.73 for 1.84 to DOHowser (wrz, Frank)
Yogi Berra 6.73 for 1 to carr20 (only bid)
Gary Carter 6.63 for 1.04 to hackra (only bid)
Ivan Rodriguez 6.59 for 4 to jamesgang (gorshar, DHowser)
Blanchard 6.45 for 2.8 to wrz (only bid)
Dickey 6.29 for 1 to PotKettleBlack (only bid)
Seminick 5.84 for 0.59 to DOHowser (only bid)
Bill Delancey 4.22 for 0.5 to gorshar (only bid)
Bill Killefer 0.68 for 0.5 to mantlefan (only bid)
JC Martin 0.50 for 0.50 to jamesgang (only bid)
1b -
Jimmie Foxx 13.16 for 10.2 to mantlefan (over jamesgang)
Lou Gehrig 11.89 for 4.91 to joekendall (jamesgang)
Frank Thomas 11.44 for 8 to ironwill1 (PKB, gorshar)
Jeff Bagwell 11.60 for 1.16 by Frank Bailey (only bidder..price adjusted) *edit
Albert Pujols 10.51 for 8 to PotKettleBlack (carr20)
George Sisler 10.27 for 7.26 to DOHowser (only bid)
Helton 10.13 for 4.26 to DHowser (only bid)
Norm Cash 8.73 for 5.26 to carr20 (gorshar, Frank, wrz)
Jud Wilson 8.14 for 1.5 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Dick Allen 7.95 for 3.14 to hackra (Frank, wrz)
Killebrew 7.4 for 0.75 to wrz (DOHowser)
David Ortiz 7.3 for 0.76 to hackra (only bid)
Superman Pennington 6.8 for 0.7 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Jim Thome 6.75 for 2.41 to wrz (only bid)
Galarraga 3.29 for 0.64 to hackra (only bid)
Vic Power 2.90 for 0.5 to mantlefan (only bid) *correction
Rogers Hornsby 12.39 for 12 to mantlefan (ironwill, Joe, jamesgang)
Eddie Collins 10.59 for 7.38 to FrankBailey (only bid)
Joe Morgan 10.26 for 7.05 to wrz (only bid)
Gehringer 9.55 for 5.26 to DOHowser (hackra, gorshar)
Roberto Alomar 9.37 for 7.4 to PotKettleBlack (carr20)
Nap Lajoie 8.78 for 4 to jamesgang (DHowser)
Ryne Sandberg 8.35 for 1.04 to hackra (only bid)
Johnny Evers 6.48 for 1.01 to PKB (only bid)
Chase Utley 5.58 for 0.59 to joekendall (only bid)
Miller Huggins 5.22 for 0.53 to joekendall (only bid)
Jackie Hayes 0.53 for 0.5 to mantlefan (only bid)
George Brett 10.93 for 9.23 to Frank Bailey (only bid)
John Beckwith 9.9 for 4.5 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Chipper Jones 9.71 for 5.26 to DHowser (jamesgang)
Boggs 9.6 for 2.5 to joekendall (only bid)
Schmidt 9.27 for 5.31 to carr20
Eddie Mathews 9.14 for 6.77 to wrz (only bid)
David Wright 7.96 for 3.25 to PKB (only bid)
Joe Torre 7.7 for 1.5 to ironwill1 (DHowser, Joe)
Frisch 7.63 for 1.21 to DHowser (over his dad )
Brooks Robinson 7.09 for 0.91 (over Buck's dad )
Bill Monroe 6.89 for 0.7 to carr20 (only bid)
Matt Williams 6.21 for 2.02 to wrz (gorshar)
John Kennedy 0.6 for 0.5 to mantlefan (only bid)
Honus Wagner 11.35 for 8.7 to mantlefan (only bid)
Alex Rodriguez 10.63 for 3.2 to mantlefan (only bid)
Robin Yount 10.13 for 6.26 to DOHowser (only bid)
Willie Wells 10.03 for 4 to jamesgang (only bid)
Lou Boudreau 9.91 for 5.14 to Frank Bailey (PKB, Joe, wrz)
Cal Ripken Jr. 9.72 for 3.23 to carr20 (ironwill1)
Banks 9.43 for 5.26 to DHowser (gorshar)
Appling 7.52 for 1 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Petrocelli 7.51 for 1.12 to carr20 (only bid)
Pop Lloyd 7.49 for 0.75 to DHowser (only bid)
Cronin 7.42 for 0.78 to joekendall (only bid)
Ozzie Smith 7.31 for 1.04 to hackra (only bid)
Barry Larkin 6.91 for 0.81 to hackra (only bid)
Home Run Johnson 6.54 for 0.66 to wrz (only bid)
Martin Dihigo 5.65 (the gorshar and FrankBailey battle)
Jimmy Dykes 5.56 for 0.56 to gorshar (only bid)
Aparicio 4.71 for 0.5 to PKB (only bid)
Newt Allen 4.58 for 0.5 to Frank Bailey (only bid)
Harry Lunte 0.5 for 0.5 to mantlefan (only bid)
Tris Speaker 13.41 for 12.76 to DOHowser (Frank)
Oscar Charleston 12.89 for 13.56 to wrz (gorshar, Joe)
Willie Mays 12.89 for 14.3 to carr20 (mantlefan)
Joe Dimaggio 11.63 for 10 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Stanley F. Musial 10.86 for 7.76 to DHowser (Joe, DOH, James)
Turkey Stearnes 10.41 for 5.25 to jamesgang (only bid)
Ken Griffey Jr. 10.05 for 2.51 to DHowser (hackra)
Jim Edmonds 9.17 for 3.5 to PKB (only bid)
Willard Brown 8.44 for 1.2 to mantlefan (only bid)
Torriente 8.08 for 2.84 to Frank Bailey (only bid)
Andre Dawson 7.21 for 0.84 to hackra (only bid)
Gorman Thomas 6.94 for 0.7 to gorshar (only bid)
Bernie Williams 6.86 for 0.7 to PKB (only bid)
Willie McGee 6.57 for 0.68 to joekendall (only bid)
Billy Hamilton 5.98 for 0.6 to gorshar (only bid)
Willie Wilson 3.98 for 0.5 to ironwill1 (only bid) *edit
Brett Butler 3.51 for 0.5 mantlefan (only bid) *correction
corner OF
Babe Ruth 15.1 for 20.04 to hackra (only bid)
Barry Bonds 14.54 for 19.04 to hackra (gorshar, Joe, james)
Ted Williams 11.83 for 10.82 to DHowser (ironwill)
Hank Aaron 11.51 for 9.26 to DOHowser (james)
Larry Walker 11.19 for 7 to gorshar (Frank)
Kiner 10.94 for 3.51 to DHowser (only bid)
Paul Waner 9.85 for 2.01 to DOHowser (only bid)
Al Simmons 9.73 for 4.18 to DOHowser (only bid)
Roger Maris 9.52 for 5 to PKB (only bid)
Chino Smith 9.25 for 2 to ironwill1 (only bid)
Mel Ott 9.15 for 4 to ironwill1 (DOH, wrz)
Stargell 8.96 for 4.1 to carr20 (wrz)
Heilmann 8.95 for 3.04 to hackra (only bid)
Ed Delahanty 8.79 for 2.6 mantlefan (carr20)
Tony Gwynn 8.44 for 1.25 carr20 (only bid)
Wild Bill Wright 8.18 for 2 to carr20 (only bid)
Manny Ramirez 7.99 for 2.01 to wrz (carr20, PKB)
Chuck Klein 7.48 for 0.8 to DHowser (only bid)
Ichiro Suzuki 7.44 for 2.82 to Frank Bailey (mantlefan)
Charlie Keller 7.15 for 0.72 to gorshar (only bid)
Sammy Sosa 7.14 for 2 to jamesgang (only bid)
Lance Berkman 7.08 for 1 to PKB (only bid)
Clemente 6.84 for 0.75 to wrz (only bid)
Frog Redus 4.85 for 1 to PKB (only bid)
Jimmy Lyons 4.53 for 0.52 to Frank Bailey (only bid)
Buck Freeman 2.4 for 0.5 to jamesgang (only bid)
Ron Leflore 0.73 (battle of joekendall and DOHowser)
Bobby Clark 0.96 for 0.5 to mantlefan (only bid) *correction
Last edited by
hackra on Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.