by dharmabums » Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:30 pm
Thank you all for leaving BigHead Barry for me. Quite a second round surprise. And since I also picked up Timmy L, I have a couple of Giants to play in Candlestick. They just didn't actually play in Candlestick as Giants, but that's a minor detail (or was Barry a Giant at Candlestick?).
The Willie-Pedro scandal got me thinking (bad situation right there). Would it be interesting to anybody else to extend the league theme to require having one player on your roster who actually played in the random park? Couple of potential problems: Are there parks that don't have any players in the player set? Also, the NeLs parks and players might be tricky. Would all NeLs players be available for any NeLs park, or do we look at the individual histories of the players for their parks?
Just some thoughts, while I contemplate the excessive amount of weaseling that seems to be happening. The Napster was one of "mine" too! :evil: