$60M All Lefty Pitching League

Postby thetallguy747 » Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:24 pm

I agree with Bernie. This needs to be decided post haste since it affects drafting strategy.

Kevin A
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Postby nels52 » Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:14 pm

I also think we should figure out something for divisions and soon.....
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Can we turn the clock off on weekends?

Postby BDWard » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:37 pm

You know, this first round with the clock off has gone disappointingly slowly. I had hoped at the start of the day that we would make it through two rounds today, but for whatever reasons that has not happened. People understandably have other priorities than to sit in front of the computer hitting the refresh button waiting for picks to be made. It's about as exciting as watching paint dry. As of this writing, the last pick was made nearly five and one half hours ago. Since no PMs or emails have been sent out about the draft, my guess is that not everyone is aware that the draft has started.

I will be away from my computer from roughly 5-10 P.M. Central Time on Friday night and from roughly 2-11 P.M. Saturday night. Sunday's plans remain up in the air, although I know that my wife would like to go see a movie. I'm sure that other people have conflicts as well.

I know that Diamond Dope has a proxy system, but draft picks are not made in a vacuum and oftentimes picks are influenced by previous picks and who's left at what position, etc.

I respectfully request that the clock be off on the weekends so that we can avoid being chained to our computers and so as to minimize the use of proxy picks. Please let us all know ASAP whether this request will be honored so that we can plan accordingly. Thanks for your anticipated understanding and help. - Bernie W
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Postby thetallguy747 » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:53 pm

I concur with Bernie. I arranged my day today with the assumption we would flip onto the clock with round two finished, at least. Let's stay off the clock for the weekend and hopefully all managers will be able to get on top of things in the meantime.

Kevin A
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Postby DonFESQ » Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:10 am

sure, let's stay off the clock for the weekend. May as well go four days with people not picking for 8+ hours since we've already got one day like that down.

As for divisions, really? This is a 60m all lefty pitcher league. The strategy is getting as many cheapie lefty killers as you can. Why do you need divisions set to determine draft strategy? Am I missing something? I'm missing draft picks I know but I've already covered that.
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Postby Goreds54 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:04 am

I always get frustrated doing these live drafts. Something inside of me makes me not want other people having to wait on me or to be inconvenienced by my actions. So I always check the draft status every hour or two and if I'm going to be away from computer for an extended period time I always set proxies. I guess I must be anal or something because evidently most people don't have these same feelings.
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Postby dinsdale » Fri Mar 04, 2011 11:24 am

This draft does seem to be running a bit slow! Hopefully it will pick up soon!
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Postby errormagnate » Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:09 pm

[quote:0f83aaeffd="Goreds"]I always get frustrated doing these live drafts. Something inside of me makes me not want other people having to wait on me or to be inconvenienced by my actions. So I always check the draft status every hour or two and if I'm going to be away from computer for an extended period time I always set proxies. I guess I must be anal or something because evidently most people don't have these same feelings.[/quote:0f83aaeffd]

You are not alone I have those same feelings magnified ten-fold and my impatience with slow drafters is legendary. I am trying (insert hysterical laughter and grinding of teeth) to not react as much as I have in the past but every time I check and see it stuck on the same name time after time after time, you would NOT want to check my BP nor ask what I really thought, lol.

Ommm Ommmm Ommm, find your center grasshopper!
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Postby BDWard » Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:14 pm

After a slow start to the draft yesterday, things got going in the afternoon as 4 picks were made in about an hour, from 3:30 to 4:30 Thursday afternoon. Since then, nothing. I don't believe anyone would knowingly hold up the draft. It's alvarndc's pick. As I said earlier, I don't think he is aware that the draft has started. He may not even be aware that he's in this league.

alvarndc was apparently one of 6 holdover managers from a previous lefty pitcher league at a higher cap and was signed up for this league along with 5 other managers by league creator mjruth.

In actuality, alvarndc has never made a post on the league thread.

Someone has to know him. Hey commish, you signed alvarndc up for the league. If you haven't already done so, how about showing some leadership by stepping up to the plate and contacting him to get the ball rolling again? While you're at it, how about addressing the division assignments and "clock off" issues. - Bernie W
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Postby thetallguy747 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:10 pm

5 AM in Japan. Through the mist of hot coffee and hoary eyes I see ... nothing ... no picks ... no issues resolved ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...
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