by BDWard » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:43 am
Kevin: I asked the same question prior to the start of the league. The commish said that after division assignments are made that we would fill out our auto draft list with the players we drafted and 10 more players. I don't think that the league has been created yet.
The player draft was on schedule to finish tonight, but the clock was again stopped with no explanation whatsoever. This is getting a bit tiresome.
This league had a lot of promise but keeping us all in the dark is no way to run a league.
Unfortunately, the league has other problems besides a woeful lack of communication. Errormagnate is MIA. As previously noted, I sent him a PM on Tuesday about his draft pick being due. I also sent him a message Thursday afternoon through league email for a league I am in with him. Neither message has received a response.
As I noted in an earlier post, I think errormagnate anticipated possibly being away, as all of his picks have been proxy picks, with the last 4, starting in round 9 being, well, somewhat odd. (Dave Hamilton $.54 mil, round 9; Randy Lerch, $.50 mil, round 10; David Clyde, $.50 mil, round 11; Jim Mooney, $.50 mil, round 12) I think he knew that he would be away, didn't want to hold up the draft, so he proxied every pick, got to the bottom of the proxy barrel (which explains the odd picks) and finally ran out of proxy picks, which explains why he made no picks in rounds 13, 14 & 15.
From what I understand, this is extremely unlike errormagnate.
Although I hate to engage in idle speculation, I think it would be a good idea for people to start considering a solution if errormagnate, for whatever reason(s), fails to return to the league.
Giving the difficulty we had filling this league, it would be unrealistic and unfair to expect anyone to take his team, given that picks 9-12 were botched and that there were no picks made with his final 3 picks.
Yet, it would also be unfair to hold a complete redraft.
Perhaps the most fair thing to do to attract another manager or if errormagnate returns with an explanation for his absence is to redraft starting with errormagnate's 9th round pick and permit managers to change their picks thereafter only if the player they originally drafted becomes unavailable.
I know it isn't ideal, but it seems like a fair solution short of an entire redraft.
Any other ideas?
All I know is that I'm printing the draft and advise everyone else to do so. - Bernie W