Random Parks

Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:48 am

1- drfreeze49
2- PKBlack
3- wrz25
4- dharmabums
5- rjoh - I won't be around tomorrow/Saturday
6- PillPop (and I vote for Ten Things I Hate About Random)
7- bigmahon
8- Adrian
10- Rube
11- mrharryc
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby emart » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:52 am

1- drfreeze49
2- PKBlack
3- wrz25
4- dharmabums
5- rjoh - I won't be around tomorrow/Saturday
6- PillPop (and I vote for Ten Things I Hate About Random)
7- bigmahon
8- Adrian
10- Rube
11- mrharryc
12- emart (limited availability Saturday)
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:03 pm

It's still like Christmas morning!
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby PotKettleBlack » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:40 pm

Randomize, and if people have connectivity issues, no big deal. Patience is a virtue (except when you're drafting right ahead of me, a$$hole... :D )
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:16 pm

[quote:5c70a7a34c="joekendall"]Research Randomizer Results

1 Set of 12 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 12 -- Unsorted

Job Status:

Set #1:

7, 8, 10, 2, 12, 6, 11, 5, 3, 1, 9, 4

Research Randomizer Results

1 Set of 12 Unique Numbers Per Set
Range: From 1 to 62 -- Unsorted

Job Status:

Set #1:

17, 53, 61, 12, 51, 10, 24, 54, 23, 43, 11, 15[/quote:5c70a7a34c]

the parks...
1 drfreeze49 [b:5c70a7a34c]17 Briggs Stadium '41[/b:5c70a7a34c]
2 PKBlack [b:5c70a7a34c]53 Veterans Stadium '78[/b:5c70a7a34c]
3 wrz25 [b:5c70a7a34c]61 Terrapin Park (NeL)[/b:5c70a7a34c]
4 dharmabums [b:5c70a7a34c]12 Bennett Park '11[/b:5c70a7a34c]
5 rjoh [b:5c70a7a34c]51 Royals Stadium '78[/b:5c70a7a34c]
6 PillPop [b:5c70a7a34c]10 Wrigley Field '05[/b:5c70a7a34c]
7 bigmahon [b:5c70a7a34c]24 Forbes Field '54[/b:5c70a7a34c]
8 Adrian [b:5c70a7a34c]54 Wrigley Field '78[/b:5c70a7a34c]
9 PJMB [b:5c70a7a34c]23 Crosley Field '51[/b:5c70a7a34c]
10 Rube [b:5c70a7a34c]43 Veterans Stadium '75[/b:5c70a7a34c]
11 mrharryc [b:5c70a7a34c]11 Yankee Stadium '05[/b:5c70a7a34c]
12 emart [b:5c70a7a34c]15 Griffith Stadium '24[/b:5c70a7a34c]

the order...
1 (7) bigmahon [b:5c70a7a34c]24 Forbes Field '54[/b:5c70a7a34c]
2 (8) Adrian [b:5c70a7a34c]54 Wrigley Field '78[/b:5c70a7a34c]
3 (10) Rube [b:5c70a7a34c]43 Veterans Stadium '75[/b:5c70a7a34c]
4 (2) PKBlack [b:5c70a7a34c]53 Veterans Stadium '78[/b:5c70a7a34c]
5 (12) emart [b:5c70a7a34c]15 Griffith Stadium '24[/b:5c70a7a34c]
6 (6) PillPop [b:5c70a7a34c]10 Wrigley Field '05[/b:5c70a7a34c]
7 (11) mrharryc [b:5c70a7a34c]11 Yankee Stadium '05[/b:5c70a7a34c]
8 (5) rjoh [b:5c70a7a34c]51 Royals Stadium '78[/b:5c70a7a34c]
9 (3) wrz25 [b:5c70a7a34c]61 Terrapin Park (NeL)[/b:5c70a7a34c]
10 (1) drfreeze49 [b:5c70a7a34c]17 Briggs Stadium '41[/b:5c70a7a34c]
11 (9) PJMB [b:5c70a7a34c]23 Crosley Field '51[/b:5c70a7a34c]
12 (4) dharmabums [b:5c70a7a34c]12 Bennett Park '11[/b:5c70a7a34c]

1 Angels Stadium '05 5 8 8 8
2 Bank One Ballpark '05 11 11 13 13
3 Fenway Park '05 14 14 4 10
4 Jacobs Field '05 5 5 3 3
5 Metrodome '05 7 7 10 10
6 Rogers Centre '05 11 11 13 13
7 Tropicana Field '05 8 5 9 6
8 Turner Field '05 8 8 8 8
9 US Cellular Field '05 6 6 18 18
10 Wrigley Field '05 5 8 10 14
11 Yankee Stadium '05 7 7 10 10
12 Bennett Park '11 12 12 9 19
13 Hunt. Ave. Grds '11 4 4 19 19
14 Palace of the Fns '11 15 7 2 2
15 Griffith Stadium '24 9 7 0 0
16 Polo Grounds '24 1 3 15 15
17 Briggs Stadium '41 12 12 18 18
18 Comiskey Park '41 10 10 2 2
19 Forbes Field '41 10 10 2 2
20 Sportsman's Pk NL '41 8 8 20 6
21 Yankee Stadium '41 1 1 15 10
22 Yankee Stadium '48 4 4 19 6
23 Crosley Field '51 8 8 1 6
24 Forbes Field '54 5 16 1 1
25 Griffith Stadium '54 2 14 3 1
26 Cleveland Stadium '57 1 8 8 16
27 Comiskey Park '57 6 6 4 4
28 Fenway Park '57 16 19 10 10
29 Memorial Stadium '57 7 3 1 1
30 Polo Grounds '57 4 1 19 16
31 Wrigley Field '57 4 8 7 12
32 Yankee Stadium '57 4 4 9 1
33 Memorial Stadium '59 1 1 7 7
34 Sportsman's Park '60 8 17 15 9
35 Wrigley Field '63 4 13 19 10
36 Connie Mack Stdm '64 12 3 1 8
37 Dodger Stadium '64 4 7 1 1
38 Metropolitan Stdm '65 7 12 9 9
39 Wrigley Field '66 5 9 13 13
40 Memorial Stadium '70 17 5 12 12
41 Shea Stadium '71 3 3 19 4
42 Tiger Stadium '75 13 10 16 13
43 Veterans Stadium '75 10 10 10 10
44 Anaheim Stadium '78 12 12 9 9
45 Arlington Stadium '78 7 7 5 5
46 Comiskey Park '78 12 12 7 7
47 Dodger Stadium '78 9 9 12 12
48 Jack Murphy Stdm'78 7 7 4 4
49 Memorial Stadium '78 4 4 4 4
50 Oakland Coliseum '78 4 4 9 9
51 Royals Stadium '78 14 14 3 3
52 Tiger Stadium '78 10 7 19 16
53 Veterans Stadium '78 6 6 15 15
54 Wrigley Field '78 18 18 18 18
55 Yankee Stadium '78 1 1 15 8
56 Greenlee Field (NeL) 8 10 14 4
57 Griffith Stdm (NeL) 13 8 2 1
58 Martin Park (NeL) 2 2 1 2
59 Ruppert Stadium (NeL) 8 8 13 15
60 Stars Park (NeL) 16 19 12 19
61 Terrapin Park (NeL) 14 14 2 1
62 Washington Park (NeL) 17 10 1 4
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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:25 pm

Draft's on Dope!

Average park: 10/11/8/10
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Remaining 50 Parks

Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:35 pm

1 Angels Stadium '05            5    8    8    8   
2 Bank One Ballpark '05          11  11  13  13 
3 Fenway Park '05                14  14  4    10 
4 Jacobs Field '05              5    5    3    3   
5 Metrodome '05                  7    7    10  10 
6 Rogers Centre '05              11  11  13  13 
7 Tropicana Field '05            8    5    9    6   
8 Turner Field '05              8    8    8    8   
9 US Cellular Field '05          6    6    18  18 
10 Hunt. Ave. Grds '11            4    4    19  19 
11 Palace of the Fns '11          15  7    2    2   
12 Polo Grounds '24              1    3    15  15 
13 Comiskey Park '41              10  10  2    2   
14 Forbes Field '41              10  10  2    2   
15 Sportsman's Pk NL '41          8    8    20  6   
16 Yankee Stadium '41            1    1    15  10 
17 Yankee Stadium '48            4    4    19  6   
18 Griffith Stadium '54          2    14  3    1   
19 Cleveland Stadium '57          1    8    8    16 
20 Comiskey Park '57              6    6    4    4   
21 Fenway Park '57                16  19  10  10 
22 Memorial Stadium '57          7    3    1    1   
23 Polo Grounds '57              4    1    19  16 
24 Wrigley Field '57              4    8    7    12 
25 Yankee Stadium '57            4    4    9    1   
26 Memorial Stadium '59          1    1    7    7   
27 Sportsman's Park '60          8    17  15  9   
28 Wrigley Field '63              4    13  19  10 
29 Connie Mack Stdm '64          12  3    1    8   
30 Dodger Stadium '64            4    7    1    1   
31 Metropolitan Stdm '65          7    12  9    9   
32 Wrigley Field '66              5    9    13  13 
33 Memorial Stadium '70          17  5    12  12 
34 Shea Stadium '71              3    3    19  4   
35 Tiger Stadium '75              13  10  16  13 
36 Anaheim Stadium '78            12  12  9    9   
37 Arlington Stadium '78          7    7    5    5   
38 Comiskey Park '78              12  12  7    7   
39 Dodger Stadium '78            9    9    12  12 
40 Jack Murphy Stdm'78            7    7    4    4   
41 Memorial Stadium '78          4    4    4    4   
42 Oakland Coliseum '78          4    4    9    9   
43 Tiger Stadium '78              10  7    19  16 
44 Yankee Stadium '78            1    1    15  8   
45 Greenlee Field (NeL)          8    10  14  4   
46 Griffith Stdm (NeL)            13  8    2    1   
47 Martin Park (NeL)              2    2    1    2   
48 Ruppert Stadium (NeL)          8    8    13  15 
49 Stars Park (NeL)              16  19  12  19 
50 Washington Park (NeL)          17  10  1    4   
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Postby rjohaire » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:46 pm

Pretty Neutral League - 5 pitcher parks, 5 HR parks and 2 Neutral

What are the odds:
9 Leagues
5 pitcher parks
2 pitcher parks that have a neutral slant on 1 side
2 righty HR parks
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Postby PotKettleBlack » Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:30 pm

Only 50 parks left... only 4 leagues left. What parks will be the left overs?

First round proxies are in.

The excitement.

Ten leagues, I have had multiple stadiums from:
New York (Yankee, Ebbets), Philly (Shibe + Vets + Hilldale), St. Louis (Busch and Sportsman's) and three other cities (Boston, DC, and Minneapolis)

I suppose the odds roll that way, with so many east coast parks.
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Postby dharmabums » Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:08 pm

I just got Bennett Park, and I have the Navin Knaves starting on Monday -- same site in Detroit. :)
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