$60M All Lefty Pitching League


Postby mjruth » Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:57 pm

There will be no re-drafting. We can wait to hear from errormagnate a few days though we should run a randomizer for 11 teams and put us in the league. we will just let errormagnate be in the west so when he is ready he can pop his team in and the league will run a few minutes later. No need to disband I want to play this league.
Does this sound reasonable? If so I will request a randomizer for 11 teams and errormagnate can join when he is ready. Once the draft goes down we can all make our changes anyway!
Thx Mike
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Let's hear from errormagnate before putting him in the West

Postby BDWard » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:55 pm

[quote:a67b7845a3="errormagnate"]I will be away without access to the internet until approximately Monday.
Steve Ames[/quote:a67b7845a3]

Great catch, dinsdale! Errormagnate posted this on March 10 as a separate topic in the league chat forum, not in our league thread. I don't know how I missed it, other than to say I wasn't looking for it. I think that we've all been waiting to hear from him in this thread. I'm glad that he's OK.

Commish, since it seems that we will soon be hearing from errormagnate, I'm against automatically putting him in the West. He should be part of the same randomizer as everyone else. He is a good and experienced player and it shouldn't take too long to get his team up to speed once he returns.

Given that he posted that he will return on Monday, why not let him get his team in shape, pick a stadium and then get the randomizer and make divisional assignments?

Commish, for the record, since you've already stated that there will be no redraft of any kind, I would have no objection to errormagnate picking a stadium and being given the opportunity to add his last 3 missed draft picks, AND to allowing him to cancel the 4 botched proxy picks and to take 7 players from the available player pool BEFORE we all fill out our autodraft list. While questions may exist as to how the matter was handled, he obviously was called away on short notice and had no internet access. Fair is fair.

Commish, how about this time asking someone in the forums to run a randomizer and publishing the numbers in this thread for all of us to see when divisional assignments are made? - Bernie W

P.S.: There is a 1 in 3 chance that errormagnate will end up in the West anyway. His team should be included in the randomizer. Let the chips fall where they may.
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Postby PJK » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:22 pm

I agree with bernie. let errormagnate have a chance to finish his draft with as near the equivalent an opportunity as the other 11. pete k
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Postby thetallguy747 » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:26 pm

Mystery solved, it appears. I agree with Bernie's recommendation also.

Kevin A
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How can we compete with that?

Postby BDWard » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:12 pm

[quote:f57db7fd01="thetallguy747"]As a last resort -- and I do mean "last" -- my wife has offered to take over errormagnate's team. She is a rabid baseball fan and plays SOM on occasion. She does not like to be in leagues with me because she doesn't like it when I beat her. (Her father was an Air Force pilot in Vietnam -- she gets it from him. LOL) She would have minimal time to manage the team, but also would not neglect it.

I support any option short of disbanding the league. I mean, I survived a natural disaster to see this league through! LOL

Kevin A[/quote:f57db7fd01]

Kevin: I don't know any women who like to be beaten!

When we first got married nearly 28 years ago, my wife was teaching me how to play Chinese checkers. Needless to say, she was beating me badly, so I started moving my pieces backwards. She told me that wasn't allowed. I told her that she didn't say that was part of the rules when she explained them to me. She has since then refused my frequent requests for a rematch. Also, she's still mad that I bowled the only 10th frame turkey of my life to beat her by 2 pins 30+ years ago when we were dating!

Anyway, Kevin, I read your post with great interest. The walls are literally falling down around you, power and heat are intermittent, the water supply is dwindling, there is the looming threat of nuclear meltdown and your friends and family are worried sick about your safety and well being. So what are you and Kathy discussing? Online Strato! Further, not only does your wife not complain about you playing, but your wife actually plays the game! Where did you ever find a women like that? For all the single guys playing this game, does she have a sister? When have you last heard that one?

Geez, with that kind of dedication in the face of looming disaster, I don't think I ever will have any chance of beating you in this game! - Bernie W
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Postby thetallguy747 » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:25 pm

Oh man -- you've got me laughing so hard my sides hurt!!! I'll tell you how I met my wife: I was dean of students at a small college in Michigan. We were having our annual ice cream social for freshmen and transfer students the Sunday before classes started. I saw two transfer students, male and female, standing off alone looking nervous among all the kid freshmen, so I went over to make them feel welcome. Turns out it was our two new math professors -- one being my (now) wfie, Kathy! The following Saturday was our opening football game. My best buddy and I were yelling at the officials about a botched call when suddenly that same math professor, 10 rows down, turned around and informed me the officials got it right, quoting chapter and verse the pertinent rule in the NCAA Div II rulebook. That's when I said, hmmmmm, I need to get to know this chick a little better. LOL A couple weeks later she called me asking for advice on working with one of our dumbsh -- uh I mean, learning disabled students. I told her I'd tell her all about it over some beer, if she was buying. The rest as they say is history. LOL

She was responsible for resurrecting my softball career. I had "retired" due to chronic hamstring problems. She put me onto a strength and stretching routine and as a result I became a faster, injury free baserunner. We put together a faculty/staff team and played for 8 years in the city league. She was the only woman in the league. She taught me the proper technique for running the bases, which made me even faster. She taught me how to hit to the opposite field, which I learned was really fun. And toward the end she also taught me how to hit left handed, which was a total blast.

In addition to being a math professor, she also was assistant (meaning volunteer) coach of the college's women's softball team. At one point we decided to take up golf. We bought our clubs, then instead of taking lessons, we went out to one of the local courses where the good players play and just sat and watched all morning. She said, OK, I've got it. Then she proceeded to teach me how to golf.

In short, she's a really good coach.

And she has no sisters. She does have one brother, but he's really really ugly. LOL

Kevin A

P.S. For our honeymoon we saw one game at each major league stadium in the midwest. And that was HER idea!
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Postby thetallguy747 » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:31 pm

... Oh, and I forgot to mention: Even though she's 45 years old now, it still stings my glove hand really bad when she throws me the ball.

Kevin A
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I am back

Postby errormagnate » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:39 pm

I was hospitalized in anemergency last Tues AM around 5 AM and was just discharged today. I did have my wife leave a message to say I was gone although it was a little ctyptic: She left that message on Tuesday evening last week.

I will be away without access to the internet until approximately Monday.
Steve Ames

So to say I left no communication is stupid and false but it could have been a lot better I am very glad the draft progressed without me that is exactly what should happen as I HATE to hold things up. So what I need to know now is what I need to get my team up to speed and entered into whatever league/division is set up

Oh, and if anyone cares, I feel lousy but feel great to be home.
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Great News!

Postby BDWard » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:50 pm


Thanks for your message. That's great news that you are back and on the mend. Hopefully your condition will improve and you will soon be feeling 100%.

Although your health should be your number 1 priority, when you feel like dealing with our league, you should probably coordinate with the commish.

Again, welcome back. Stay well. - Bernie W
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Postby errormagnate » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:21 pm

My tean is ready to go. FWIW I totally agree with decisions NOT to redraft and to keep going on, the pool is so large that any perceived impairment my unexpected hospitalization caused me is minor Just let me know where and when to enter and I ll try ot stay out of hospitals
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