General Managers Keeper League

Postby Palmtana » Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:14 pm

Who still needs to load in the West? I'm in the Central and will be flying back from vacation tomorrow. I can load my team before Noon ET but after that won't be able to do so before 11 P.M. Thanks for the proxies Marc.
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Postby qksilver69 » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:22 am

Good luck with the work on the Japan stuff Ted, hope you make progress.

On the Rays & developing prospects, I think the Hellickson projection was pretty spot-on. I always said I love him as a prospect but that I doubted he'd have a useable card for this year because I expected a Sept call-up and not sooner. Well they called him up in August, a bit ahead of where I thought, but the card, for 12-team league purposes, is not really useable, at least as an SP.

My point in the end is that the smart teams like TB are [b:0d66f93433]not[/b:0d66f93433] rushing players when they are not forced to or not in contention. And looking at all the pitching that TB has, I just don't see a scenario where Moore gets more than a cup of coffee this year and like Hellickson lasy year, he's unlikely to get a card for next year. If Hellickson was called up just 1 week later last season, he never gets a card.

Moore is 22 and pitched in A and high A last year. Alex Torres is 23 and pitched AA all last year, and is a LH SP with a high ceiling and a similar control issue to Moore. My bet on Moore was that Torres is ahead of him in the promotion order unless Moore makes a big jump ahead.

Miller is only 19 but has exceptional fastball command for his age. And the Cards are in a very different scenario from TB.

1) Their rotation is paper-thin after losing Wainwright
2) Carpenter is a free agent after next year
3) They have no payroll to speak of if they intend to re-sign Pujols
4) They must show Pujols they are committed to winning with him if they want to convince him to re-sign in the offseason
5) They have no other SPs in front of him in terms of development

All of that to me means there is a shot, albeit still an outside one, that STL is forced to call Miller up this year. Would not be the smartest thing to do, but I can easily see it happening, and I think there will be a ton of pressure for them to put him in the rotation next spring no matter what, assuming he pitches AA-AAA this year.

As a comparable, Miller's stats are equal to Rick Porcello at age 19, the year before Porcello was called up, at the same level of ball, but Miller has a much higher K rate. And similar to DET, STL has the situation where they may be forced to promote him if he is dealing in AAA in July and they are in contention.
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Waiting on Sandy to close the East

Postby kaviksdad » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:50 am


Nythawk - IN
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Sorry, ... family is with me this week!

Postby cirills » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:50 pm


Sandy - IN
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Postby qksilver69 » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:58 pm


Sandy - IN
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AFDickie - IN
Cummings - IN


Qksilver - IN



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Postby Cubit » Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:10 pm

Looking forward to getting this league locked and loaded and I may even be able to put together my third round prospect pick if things ever come back to me.
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Postby cirills » Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:30 pm

This is the GMKL - our 3rd Round isn't until summer!
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Postby cirills » Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:42 pm

Porcello should NEVER have got called up.

The Tigers keep ruining young pitchers. Verlander was an exception (thank god).

ST. Louis will NOT make the same mistake.

And Hellickson very nearly had a useable card, but most definitely won a spot in the rotation which is what I predicted in the first place when I was told that I "ripped someone off" in a trade. That was always at the crux.

All the rhetoric in the world won't change that.

I wish I had Hellickson back now. :(
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Postby Cubit » Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:57 pm

[quote:747cc9d14e="sandlotshrink"]This is the GMKL - our 3rd Round isn't until summer![/quote:747cc9d14e]

Egad! Or more in keeping with my reputation, "Gadzooks!". Now I get it....

I wish I had something worth trading for a 2nd Round Pick! :oops: :wink:
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Postby Cubit » Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:06 pm

Nice picks nthawk & Niner. I just read the NYT on the latter today and put him on my phantom list. We shall see. :D [/b]
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