NLD 27 - The legend continues!

Postby joethejet » Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:42 pm

Well, we're struggling through some injuries, but hanging tough. Seems like all my 600 PA guys are getting 3 gamers these days. Oh well.

anyone else out there? been very quiet here lately.

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Postby qksilver69 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:28 pm

I like our high OB and low WHIP relative to the rest of the league, hopefully bodes well for us to continue to compete well in a tough div.

Had an 8-gm injury to Slaten, one of my LOOGYs, right as we face the all-LH all-the-time squad of AT, so was forced to cash in on some available cap space to pick up a temp replacement.

Lester the one guy on my team who's really underperforming, his BB rate vs. RH is 3x that vs. LHs, causing a WHIP spike that we can't seem to shake. Can't complain though, park-aided pitching has been the best in the league so far...
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Postby Jeepdriver » Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:14 am

My team is struggling. Hopefully this is a blip and not a downward trend that won't stop.
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Postby keyzick » Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:16 am

I get the feeling Jet's gonna blitz to the top in the second half
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Postby joethejet » Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:14 pm

[quote:bcd34882cf="keyzick"]I get the feeling Jet's gonna blitz to the top in the second half[/quote:bcd34882cf]

Thanks Keyz, I hope you're right. We've definitely battled to overcome a TON of close games. Won a lucky one last night so maybe we'll start getting the dice a little bit more.

My best four pitchers (on paper) Halladay, Myers, Hensley and Zumaya all have ERAs at or near 5.00! :shock: Sanchez has been a surprise, but no one with more than 11 innings has done anything at all. I know I'm in a hitters park, but this is just a tad brutal I think. LHB are hitting .299 against us.


p.s. did some ratings on the Central. As expected, they are very, very close. Ratings say it will be a four team race.
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Postby keyzick » Wed Apr 20, 2011 3:36 pm

Yeah, I think I see your team with a "glass-is-half-full" outlook. You're just snakebitten early on.
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Postby joethejet » Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:45 am

definitely a glass half empty night tonight. Lost three brutal games. Miles gets a two out hit (that's a .209 BA v LHP) to cost me one.

Aliva, that .90 stud that he is, hits 2 HRs in the second game, not to mention an error by Votto that leads to a Granny by Fielder (no luck there, he's a stud)

Then in game 3 we lose another one in the bottom of the 9th, by one run. When two out, Fielder gets a single of of Romero, then Zumaya gives up a 1-2 ss x single that would have ended the game then Wood walks Markakis, Chris Davis and, there's that man again, Avila to lose the game. Yeah, I know Wood has some walks, but three in a row?

and so it goes (again) <SIGH>

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Postby joethejet » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:10 pm

Don't have time for many comments or analysis now, but here are the numbers:

Team... O P F P+F Overall Div
BigAlrc 7152 5008 180 5188 1965 E
Stoney. 7473 4876 423 5299 2174 W
Zim13.. 6899 4889 414 5304 1595 W
BigMahn 7409 4958 371 5330 2079 C
Dtigers 7581 4887 554 5441 2140 W
Silver 7404 4896 546 5442 1962 E
Keyzick 7608 4938 515 5453 2155 C
Smokey. 7509 5014 565 5579 1930 E
JoeTJet 7949 5046 622 5668 2281 C
nythawk 7650 5370 316 5685 1965 E
JeepDrv 7724 5393 300 5694 2030 W
ArrylTr 7993 5469 403 5872 2120 C

Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
JoeTJet 2281 2 7 -5 C
Stoney. 2174 3 4 -1 W
Keyzick 2155 3 3 0 C
Dtigers 2140 3 10 -7 W
ArrylTr 2120 4 5 -1 C
BigMahn 2079 5 4 1 C
JeepDrv 2030 6 2 4 W
nythawk 1965 8 9 -1 E
BigAlrc 1965 8 6 2 E
Silver 1962 8 1 7 E
Smokey. 1930 8 1 7 E
Zim13.. 1595 11 8 3 W

Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
ArrylTr 7993 1 2 -1 C
JoeTJet 7949 1 1 0 C
JeepDrv 7724 4 4 0 W
nythawk 7650 5 9 -4 E
Keyzick 7608 5 5 0 C
Dtigers 7581 5 10 -5 W
Smokey. 7509 6 2 4 E
Stoney. 7473 6 6 0 W
BigMahn 7409 8 10 -2 C
Silver 7404 8 6 2 E
BigAlrc 7152 10 7 3 E
Zim13.. 6899 12 12 0 W

Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
BigAlrc 5188 1 6 -5 E
Stoney. 5299 3 7 -4 W
Zim13.. 5304 3 3 0 W
BigMahn 5330 3 2 1 C
Dtigers 5441 5 8 -3 W
Silver 5442 5 2 3 E
Keyzick 5453 5 5 0 C
Smokey. 5579 7 5 2 E
JoeTJet 5668 8 9 -1 C
nythawk 5685 9 8 1 E
JeepDrv 5694 9 3 6 W
ArrylTr 5872 11 8 3 C

Biggest gaps in ratings/record are Silver and Smokey. smoke because of his O being much better than ratings would indicate and Silver just kind of generally better than expected and he's +8 in one run games. Also he has made some moves which will hurt his rating, but since he had those guys for most of the season, it may account for some of the difference.

On the flip side of that, there is DT and JTJ. Jet is getting killed in one runners and is playing a TON of them too. The Pythag is +3 and they're 9 under. Also playing in the toughest division. DT's O and D should be better so...

Surprising the Jeep is towards the top in pitching. Big A and Stoney's D hasn't been as good as expected.

Hawk and Big M should be better on O.

More to come in terms of ratings per park. Might point out some whys for the above. Also will include salary info on where it's being spent.
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Postby qksilver69 » Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:54 pm

Yep, this is pretty much what I expected. I think we've had our share of luck, and I also think we have the kind of roster where the whole [b:bbd03a40ff]has[/b:bbd03a40ff] to be greater than the sum of the parts in order to be above .500, and that seems to be what's happening.

We're getting max value from our small bullpen pieces, max value from our mid-rotation SPs, and lots of value from fringe hitters who play specific roles. Not by design, but by luck/out of other options, this is probably the best team I've ever built in terms of giving HAL very easy choices for a given situation.
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Postby joethejet » Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:36 am

hmmm, well, our team must be giving Hal NO right decisions. How else do you explain those ERAs?

These guys just simply aren't this bad.
Halladay 4.65
Myers 5.74
Zito 4.76 (well maybe he's not too far off)
Hensley 4.38
Zumaya 5.34
Lopez 5.70

LHB hitting
Halladay .300
Myers .295
Zito .309
Hensley 294
Zumaya 283 (280 v RHB)
Wood 344 (:shock:)
Romero 370 :shock: :shock:

Lopez 369

That's horrible and ridiculous.

I keep hoping it's going to turn around, but maybe, despite their cost, these guys just suck. :(

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