. . . He has only a few players to load, and HOPEFULLY should be loaded in less than an hour.
[b:ba9187f4aa]CENTRAL MANAGERS[/b:ba9187f4aa]: Please do NOT pass on the password to the West until . . .
[b:ba9187f4aa]EDDIE[/b:ba9187f4aa] has a chance to [b:ba9187f4aa][i:ba9187f4aa]confirm to me[/i:ba9187f4aa][/b:ba9187f4aa] that he will be unloading his team [i:ba9187f4aa]once Central is full,[/i:ba9187f4aa] then quickly REloading, THEN post the password to the WEST Managers.
[b:ba9187f4aa]WEST MANAGERS[/b:ba9187f4aa]: Have your teams ready to load before evening EST, if you can, so we can get this puppy on the road and avoid an Easter Sunday waivers OR a week delay in starting.