N.L. ONLY Avenger League chat thread

Postby uptownmastermind » Tue May 17, 2011 4:07 pm

So I took Ryan Zimmerman; a heck of a player, but certainly appears that there are few elite players there in this draft.

As a note, I will be unavailable most of Thursday and Friday morning (interviews and other gatherings).
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Postby The Turtle » Tue May 17, 2011 4:17 pm

[quote:7ab9263b8e="uptownmastermind"]So I took Ryan Zimmerman; a heck of a player, but certainly appears that there are few elite players there in this draft.

As a note, I will be unavailable most of Thursday and Friday morning (interviews and other gatherings).[/quote:7ab9263b8e]

set proxies!!!!
The Turtle
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Settling Things...

Postby TomSiebert » Tue May 17, 2011 5:27 pm

I think Meat is doing most of the work at this point, and as de facto commissioner can set divisions however he wants, since it's not been done yet. OK w/ everybody?

Looks like the first couple rounds could be slow going, let us all be patient, yes?

The other thing we could aways consider is doing a live draft on the site, if everyone could agree on a time....

This draft, it's like the top three $10+ guys and then everybody else. Tulo a monster but that injury bug puts him off the list in my book. I took Oswalt because there really wasn't another franchise hitter left.

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Postby calbatross » Tue May 17, 2011 5:35 pm

If everyone is back for this draft, they I would think it is ok to slot divisions by previous leagu record...it wouldn't be quite as equitable if there were ownership turnover. I'm strangely fine with whatever Meat decides on this one...
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Postby calbatross » Tue May 17, 2011 5:36 pm

...but we should decide before this draft gets too far along. By the fourth round, I am already drafting in consideration of my division opponents.
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Postby Al Hogg » Tue May 17, 2011 6:26 pm

I know I am up.

[quote:4a19b25001="MerkelBlunder"]I do believe that the 150 IP limit is in place ??[/quote:4a19b25001]

No, no RP IP limit. There were no issues caused by not having an RP limit in the True Grit League. With no DH, it is less likely that HAL leaves in relievers for long stretches.

I know I am up. I would like to know who the other teams in my division are and who they have chosen before I draft.

I'm not really sure why we're having the discussion about division assignments now. Meat threw out the question on the True Grit League message board and, to the best of my recollection, no one supported it. On the other hand, several people voted "same as it ever was."

I guess I'm not sure of the argument for grouping divisions by record. I suppose it guarantees that one of the four teams with the worst records in one league makes the playoffs in the next, even if it increases the likelihood that - as in the True Grit League - a team with a better record than a division winner will miss out on the playoffs.

I'll check back later to see if this is resolved, then pick.
Al Hogg
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Postby TomSiebert » Tue May 17, 2011 6:34 pm

I didn't like the RP limits last time, and I don't like them this time, but I'm not going to tussle about it.

I really don't care how we set up the league, division-wise. Somebody roll dice or something. But we need divisions.

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Postby MEAT » Tue May 17, 2011 7:17 pm

ive asked for number generator...

here's what divisions would be based on last season's record, with four playoff teams automatically in the east...



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Postby Al Hogg » Tue May 17, 2011 8:22 pm

Apologies for my somewhat grumpy post earlier.

I just recalled that several years ago, I was campaigning for something other than arbitrary division assignments. My suggestion at the time (which got no support, if I recall) was to run the draft without division assignments, then put the four teams spending the highest percentage of their salary on pitching in one division, the four teams spending the highest percentage on batters in another division, and the four remaining "balanced" teams in the third division. I still think that would be an interesting way to do it.

If people perceive a need to try to "spread the wealth around," so to speak, by stacking the divisions based on record, I can live with it. I just wish we had arrived at that consensus before the draft began.
Al Hogg
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Postby MEAT » Tue May 17, 2011 9:15 pm

HERE's the random number generator...if someone wants to sink it up with the original order, or do we usually assign it based on the draft order.?

Here is your sequence:


Timestamp: 2011-05-18 02:01:36 UTC
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