Summer - Winter Keeper League Chat

Postby jmccully61 » Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:30 pm

Instead of looking at who won divisions (2 different seasons), look at the combined record at the end of the 2nd season. Then next year form the divisions based on record. For example:

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3
Best Record 2nd Best 3rd Best
4th 5th 6th
7th 8th 9th
10th 11th 12th

Remember teams change year to year. Please do no take the following as cocky, but I believe my team will compete for the Championship this season even though it was one of the worst teams the last two seasons (I used as many players on my roster in regular open leagues, and made the playoffs 2 out of 2 times, and lost in the championship game twice). Even if a team finishes near the bottom, a team can rebuild through the draft with high picks, and if they know what they are doing.
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Postby jmccully61 » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:13 pm

I just looked at the updated rosters, and I noticed on the Prospect Draft that it says I traded both my 2nd round picks. I know for a fact that I traded 1 of them.

From my understanding, the trade with JMP1 last July was for his 2nd round Prospect Pick, then in March of this year I traded that same pick back to him.

I traded Jurjjens and Ellsbury
Davis, Gard, 2nd and 3rd round 2010 Prospect Draft

I traded 2nd round FA 2011, 5th round FA 2011, and 2nd Round Prospect 2011
Manny and Jurrjens

From my understanding, he traded me his 2nd round Prospect Pick and I later traded it back.

I could be wrong, but could someone please doublecheck this for me.
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Jun 28, 2011 10:51 pm

Deal on 3/3/1:
[quote:3bdb08c34b="dreamingtree#41"]DreamingTree#41 trades with JMP1

2nd round pick in the next FA draft
[b:3bdb08c34b]2nd round in Prospect Draft (originally JMP 1 pick)[/b:3bdb08c34b]
[b:3bdb08c34b]5th round in next Free Agent[/b:3bdb08c34b]


Manny Ramirez
Jair Jurrgens
6th round Free Agent pick in the next draft
4th round pick in next prospect draft[/quote:3bdb08c34b]

Deal on 7/19/10

[quote:3bdb08c34b]I just completed a trade with JMP and it is

Wade Davis
2nd and 3rd prospect picks 2010
2nd Prospect 2011

3rd Propsect 2011 [/quote:3bdb08c34b]

When you post something this vague you get mistakes. So you get your 2nd round back, but lose your 3rd rounder. It will be corrected on the next update

Which leads to the following:

[b:3bdb08c34b]Notification that you traded the same pick twice:[/b:3bdb08c34b]

[quote:3bdb08c34b]Also, in preparing the update I noticed that DreamingTree traded the same draft pick twice.

On 9/12/10 DreamingTree traded Todd Helton, Ryan Sweeney, and his [b:3bdb08c34b]5th[/b:3bdb08c34b] and 7th rd. free agent picks in 2011 to HKMossy (now Damien) for Andres Torres.

On 3/3/11 DreamingTree traded his 2nd and [b:3bdb08c34b]5th[/b:3bdb08c34b] rd. free agent picks and his 2nd rd. prospect pick to JMP1 for Manny Ramirez, Jair Jurrjens, JMP's 6th rd free agent pick and 4th rd. prospect pick.

DT and JMP1 will need to rework that deal to clear up the discrepancy.[/quote:3bdb08c34b]

You'll need to fix this before we begin drafting
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Postby ironwill1 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:32 am

I am in. Please resend me the rosters. I am traveling and the info is on my home desktop.

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Postby knight1 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:33 am

[quote:aad23a4235="dreamingtree#41"]Instead of looking at who won divisions (2 different seasons), look at the combined record at the end of the 2nd season. Then next year form the divisions based on record. For example:

Division 1 Division 2 Division 3
Best Record 2nd Best 3rd Best
4th 5th 6th
7th 8th 9th
10th 11th 12th

Remember teams change year to year. Please do no take the following as cocky, but I believe my team will compete for the Championship this season even though it was one of the worst teams the last two seasons (I used as many players on my roster in regular open leagues, and made the playoffs 2 out of 2 times, and lost in the championship game twice). Even if a team finishes near the bottom, a team can rebuild through the draft with high picks, and if they know what they are doing.[/quote:aad23a4235]

It is still likely that the same teams could conceivably make the playoffs. It appears that 1 team each year could be knocked out of the playoffs that deserved to be there. But, that doesn't take into account that the teams within their division play each other more often. It could also cause stronger teams that are in the stronger divisions to dump just to go to a weaker division to make the playoffs, which is something that wouldn't be good or fair to the league.
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Postby kaviksdad » Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:47 am

Our rules currently use the previous season's combined win/loss record to determine divisions. The top 4 teams go to the East, the next 4 to the Central and the worst 4 to the West.

What that guarantees is that the strong teams play more games against the other strong teams, the weak play more against the weak, and it ultimately has the effect of leveling the overall win/loss records of everyone.

What happens sometimes is that you end up with a monster team being shut out of the playoffs, as happened last year.

But no matter what we decide to do or not do, the same chances of a monster team missing the playoffs still exist.

Overall records are determined by a lot of factors - what division you're in, what park you play in, the other parks, the players you have, etc. All those things end up influencing your final record. Luck also plays a role.

A 100+ win team one season is not guaranteed another 100+ win season next time, epecially when we go from one player card set to another. I've seen 100+ win teams turn around and lose 100 games the following year. Unless you have an Albert Pujols at every position you're going to have up seasons and down seasons.

Over time our records will level out and we should get some parity. Having a monster team miss the playoffs is something that just happens no matter what league you play in, and is a risk we take when we sign up.
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Postby jmccully61 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:42 pm

I really hate to be picky, but my roster does not show that I have Adam Lind, Madson, and Carmona. Also, I no longer have Broxton.
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Postby jmccully61 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:45 pm

I am looking to acquire high draft picks such as 2nd or 3rd round picks in the upcoming FA draft, and I am willing to trade 2 picks for 1 pick, or 2 picks for 3 or 4 picks in future drafts.

For example, if I am traded a 2nd and 4th of 2011, then I would trade my 2nd and 3rd of 2012 and 3rd and 4th of 2013.

Of course this is up for negation.
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Postby tcochran » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:17 pm

OK, thanks to JF for tracking down Damien. We now have all 12 managers checked in.

I believe that ironwill1 will post his drops after he returns home on Friday. The only other gap belongs to Dreamingtree, who has posted 7 drops in this thread and none in the drops thread (?).

'Tree, can you please finish your list of drops and post them in the other thread?


* * * * *

It looks like the draft can begin as scheduled, on Tuesday, July 5th. Let's make our own fireworks, right?!?
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Postby JMP1 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:47 pm

Dreamingtree and I are working on fixing the deal from last year involving draft picks. We should have it resolved soon.
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