War On Terror

Postby warrenbob52 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:56 am

I have tweaked after the deadline a few times but never to gain an advantage,just indecision.If I ever did I am sure it would backfire on me as my teams like digging themselfs in a hole to start the season. For 1 thing Nev,it is only one seris and I am sure over the coarse of the season you will make that manager pay for doing this. I know I only play Yahoo fantasy baseball in private leagues because the open league rules allow you to pick up a pitcher today that will start for you tommorow. The player you dropped starts for you tonight even though you have dropped him for a pitcher who starts tommorow and then you do the same thing the next day thereby beating a better pitching staff by racking up more wins and strikeouts. Now that to me is cheating.
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Postby bkeat23 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:13 am

[quote:165202c45c="warrenbob52"]I have tweaked after the deadline a few times but never to gain an advantage,just indecision.[/quote:165202c45c]

For me it's not paying enough attention until it's too late, as in....
J Alou is my only backup OF!
I have no one eligible to backup Brett at 3B!

To do what Nev is speaking of requires waaaay too much planning :P
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Postby gkhd11a » Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:01 pm

Create a theme league based on this. At 8:01 after 1st series is fixed every team must totally change over their entire roster prior to the 2nd series. Would make for an interesting frenzy of activity.

As for the add drops that has been around since the beginning of Strat and was a favorite strategy of Penngray. With 5% penalties common for 41 games I really see little issue with this.
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Postby bontomn » Tue Jul 05, 2011 1:22 pm

Sorry, Nev. Didn't understand what you meant at first. Must have been too busy reading Lady and the Tramp!

Besides, since I live on the West Coast, I'm eating dinner with my wife at 7 p.m. If I rushed from the table to make such a move before 7:01 p.m., I'd be EATING Lady and the Tramp the next night!

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Postby Valen » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:25 pm

The risk of not being able to swap them out for the guys you really want to me makes this a losing strategy. I welcome anyone who wants to do this to any of my leagues. I consider it a waste of Bernie's time when there is so many other things to fix. Would much rather for example prefer him working on a BPv3 as you suggested in another thread.

I assume this is not confused with my general brain freeze of planning to upgrade Marshall from the 0.57 version to the 4.52 version after work on Monday, getting busy watching tv, yardwork, etc. and forget. Most of the time I remember only when checking scores before going to bed. Makes me want to kick myself.

Personally I like the idea of a soft cutoff like there is now so those who refuse to make fair offers for players because they believe you will have to drop them to make cap room have to stay up with you as you firm up your roster at the last minute.
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Postby macnole » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:37 pm

Modmark--that's why you really should get a dog. Forget the cats and live your Lady and the Tramp dream...
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Postby modmark46 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:56 pm

Macnole - we actually had to put our beloved Sheba (shepherd/beagle mix) down a couple of weeks ago. She was 13, and it was probably past time. Very hard for all of us, and my grandson still cries about her being gone. :cry:
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Postby Salty » Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:38 pm

Sorry Mark-
that sux.
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Postby dharmabums » Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:43 pm

Yeah, Mark, that's tough. We went through it last year -- 15 year old Chow Chow. We got her from a shelter when she was 1. The arthritis was getting really bad. It's never "just a pet", especially for kids. :cry:
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Back to the thread?

Postby dharmabums » Tue Jul 05, 2011 9:25 pm

I haven't really seen what nev described in the leagues I've been in. But that probably is because I can hardly keep up with them anymore. It does seem like a lot of effort for something that doesn't necessarily bring much benefit. But I've had students who will put tons of effort into getting around class requirements rather than just doing the work. It PmeO to no end. But some fools just have to try getting away with crap. Unfortunately they show up here too.

I notice you don't have any takers in your league challenge, nev. Could it be spun into an actual theme league? Not sure what it would be though. Any ideas?
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