War On Terror

Postby gkhd11a » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:54 pm

[quote:d8b3aa83ba="nevdully's"]Hi my friend Frank I thought you were busy still colluding with your Brother lol

Go back on your holier than thou mountaintop and jump off. (just kidding) ;)

Seriously though I called it *sorta cheating* and if it wasn't, Bernie wouldn''t have this on his list to *fix*....Btw I didn't mention it to him so others must have cared and wanted this fixed...

And lets get a lawyer involved.

There was no direct mention off anyone....[b:d8b3aa83ba]but wait it gets better Frank[/b:d8b3aa83ba]...It *Was Not* in a league I'm in...But hey writer man getting the facts and being accurate apparently isn't high on your list of things to do while you jump to conclusions and slander someone huh?

So really the only bully here and the only direct attack is you towards me.[/quote:d8b3aa83ba]

I see your adjusted your original post nev. Originally you stated that someone you respected last night (this was Tuesday) made the last minute switch, but that part of the post is now deleted
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Postby nevdully's » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:11 pm

I still feel that way about this person....But I guess some are so busy "assuming" they didn't think someone else could have told me *this happened to them.*

Frank abusive and offensive....I'm offended by your use of the word whiny and I feel verbally abused by you..See it's a slippery slope.
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Postby nevdully's » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:22 pm

Charlie..and regardless of whether I left in that part you spoke of in or deleted it what exactly is your point?
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Postby nevdully's » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:29 pm

We ***KNOW*** we've had, and probably have cheaters here...And we know the game allows for some grey area manipulation, and some, much greyer than others... I pay my $$$ to play just like you guys... And you think when I see this stuff I'm gonna turn a blind eye...I'm chastised as if I'm the bad guy...unbelievable.
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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:38 pm

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Postby nevdully's » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:28 pm

And remember kids PEDs are good for you too!
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Postby geekor » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:31 pm

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Postby ADRIANGABRIEL » Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:50 pm

[quote:92f13110dc="nevdully's"]And remember kids PEDs are good for you too![/quote:92f13110dc]
I see what you did there ;)
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Postby gkhd11a » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:25 pm

[quote:048bff4da3="nevdully's"]Charlie..and regardless of whether I left in that part you spoke of in or deleted it what exactly is your point?[/quote:048bff4da3]

Well you stated that it was not a league you were in to FB but if you say you saw a switch last night after 10PM of someone you respected how could you possibly know unless it was either one of your leagues or you have access to all transactions of other leagues?

Really, how is this a major issue? Is it also incorrect to make a change after game 141 lineup is fixed but prior to game 144? I have seen many people do this on multiple occasions, is that somehow different? How about after lineup fixed for game 41 but prior to the game running for game 44 to avoid the additional 5% penalty?
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Postby Valen » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:32 pm

Actually I not only do not think this is against the rules after some thought have decided anyone reading the rules should easily understand it. The rules clearly state that the cap penalty kicks in after game 1 is played. So that is exactly when i would expect it to kick in. That is exactly when the cap penalty does kick in. And as I stated before it is a losing strategy so if I am in a league where someone wants to do this I rejoice. Increases my chance of winning. And I need all the help I can get.

I usually like to evaluate by going a little extreme with it. On this issue the extreme would be having Maddux, Alexander, and Walsh on your staff, starting them in games 1-3, and then dropping them for the pitchers and better hitters that you want to carry during the season. Logic of some is that this guarantees them a 3-0 start. I say it doesn't because they have had to start with a weaker offense to afford the aces. Dropping them only hurts your team because the money you free up will only allow you to buy hitting that everyone else has already picked over. We used to call those leftovers back home. If those were winning hitters they would not still be available that late in the process. Also, if those 3 gives you anything close to a 3-0 advantage only an idiot drops them. Give me anything that leads to that kind of reasonable expectation and I am sticking with it all the way through season. Even if I lose every 4th game if I can reasonably have any combination that leads me to almost certain wind 3/4 of the time I am riding it all the way. Hate to beat the point to death but if anyone out there wants to use the strategy of dropping ace pitchers at the last minute or any time join every league I am in. Just hope I am faster than Nev at snapping them up.

If I had a complaint and something I consider need fixing it would be this. If I make a roster change prior to the playing of game 1 then that roster change should be used. The dropped players should not be used because they are not on my roster any more. The ones I selected should be used because they are on my roster come game time.

But I realize there are limits to how fancy Bernie/TSN can get. So I accept the flaw that my desired changes will not be used if I am late getting them done and happen to complete them at 9:01.

Now even though I consider fixing of this a solution that is in search of a problem have no real objection to fixing it if that means a hard cutoff where the cap kicks in at a specific time. That would mean if I were shopping someone and nobody wanted to give me fair value in trade I could drop them at 8:59 knowing that whomever picked him up would be forced to pay a cap penalty to do so. Might make people more willing to accept fair trade offers. 8-)
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