by PotKettleBlack » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:54 pm
[quote:b8cb8ec600="Palanion"][quote:b8cb8ec600="agabriel"]Watching the end of Rocky, with Rocky shouting "Adrienne! I love you, Adrienne!" was embarrassing.[/quote:b8cb8ec600]
And is it just me, or is that scene overly elongated? I mean, was it really that important for it to take, what, 5 minutes for her to weave and push her way through the crowd to get to him in the ring? Great movie, but...[/quote:b8cb8ec600]
Depends on whether you like your movies with a dose of reality (like it would really take her three minutes, and time might seem expanded after you've been punched in the head for 15 rounds) or edited down for dramatic effect. I actually like the end of Rocky a lot, not just because of the fight outcome (don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it) but also because of the time you have to digest it all.