Postby Simon31 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:02 pm

I thought it a good idea I should just post my questions to Bernie and his answers so that everyone knows exactly how the new Frenzy's work.

[quote:d22a6ce7f7]Hi Bernie!

Just needed some clarification regarding the new Frenzy
rules. I have two leagues that "live" draft on Fiday night and
then follow up with a frenzy the same night.

If the league isn't formed until Friday night and we
set "FRENZY" without setting a specific time, will the league
automatically go off that night at 12:00 or do you HAVE to set
a specific frenzy time now for each frenzy draft?

If we set the Frenzy time for 12:00 am, do all the teams have
to be loaded by 11:00 or 12:00?

What is the latest time you can set a frenzy at midnight for?
I'm assuming before 11:00 that correct?

A Friday night Frenzy...will that league start the following
monday or a week from then? (In other words, the second

Thanks for your help! -David (Simon31)

Bernie's reply:

[b:d22a6ce7f7][quote:d22a6ce7f7]Hey David,

You don’t have to set a time for your frenzy, and it won’t automatically happen the night it fills. It would just sit there, undrafted, until you set a time. Keep in mind, though, that given that we don’t have an easy way to communicate with all members of the league, it would be up to you to make sure everyone knows about whatever time you’re deciding on.

If you set the Frenzy time for 12am, the league has to be filled by 11:59pm. The only thing that happens at 11pm is your time is locked in and you can’t change it.

The latest you can set a midnight frenzy is 11:59pm, but then (as above), you’re locked in.

A Friday night MIDNIGHT Frenzy would start 2 Mondays from then, since that’s technically Saturday morning. A Friday EVENING Frenzy would start the very next Monday. In any case, though, as you’ve witnessed, I’m usually able to bump up Opening Days if you give me some notice.

Hope that helps; please let me know if I can do anything else for you.


Bernie H.

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Postby Simon31 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:13 pm

The way I see it working in a nutshell:

Somebody, really anybody, that has their team ready by NO LATER THAN 10:59 pm, can create the league keeping in mind the usual league rules, 100 mil No DH, advanced etc., [b:e053edf89d]but they then have to set the Frenzy time for 12:00 am Saturday July 30th in order for us to Frenzy the same night.[/b:e053edf89d]

After that, we have until 11:59 pm to get everybody loaded. I would suggest not cutting it too close as I suspect there are still some issues with this program.

[b:e053edf89d]The Frenzy doesn't seem to go at 12:05 am like it has in the past. The program starts at 12:00 am on the dot![/b:e053edf89d]

I'm assuming everyone would like for their team to start on Monday instead of waiting the additional week. If you want a week to play with your team, I don't have a problem with that. But if I don't hear from anyone about it I'll assume it's OK for me to contact Bernie and have him schedule our start for Monday Aug. 1st.

Thats the news...I'm Chevy Chase....and your not! :mrgreen:
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Postby Simon31 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:16 pm

One more note....if we should miss getting everyone loaded by 11:59, the Frenzy will not run until I contact Bernie to have him reset the draft time UNLESS, he fixed the bug that prevented us from doing that before! :roll:
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Postby Simon31 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:30 pm

[quote:7bc9271df8]Dave, if your cell is not back up tomorrow eve. and it looks like your home phone might be tied up by your family members, let me know & I can back up the phone liaison with Big Ric. [/quote:7bc9271df8]

My cell phone is for all practical purposes...dead! The home phone will be with me the whole night, so that shouldn't be an issue. :wink:
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Postby Muadib1950 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:33 pm

[color=brown:e4c23ed9f1][quote:e4c23ed9f1="Simon31"]The way I see it working in a nutshell:

Somebody, really anybody, that has their team ready by NO LATER THAN 10:59 pm, can create the league keeping in mind the usual league rules, 100 mil No DH, advanced etc., [b:e4c23ed9f1]but they then have to set the Frenzy time for 12:00 am Saturday July 30th in order for us to Frenzy the same night.[/b:e4c23ed9f1]

After that, we have until 11:59 pm to get everybody loaded. I would suggest not cutting it too close as I suspect there are still some issues with this program.

[b:e4c23ed9f1]The Frenzy doesn't seem to go at 12:05 am like it has in the past. The program starts at 12:00 am on the dot![/b:e4c23ed9f1]

I'm assuming everyone would like for their team to start on Monday instead of waiting the additional week. If you want a week to play with your team, I don't have a problem with that. But if I don't hear from anyone about it I'll assume it's OK for me to contact Bernie and have him schedule our start for Monday Aug. 1st. [/quote:e4c23ed9f1]
[color=red:e4c23ed9f1]Then Dave, let's [b:e4c23ed9f1]have the LEAGUE CREATOR set the Frenzy for 11:50 PM Friday night [/b:e4c23ed9f1]instead of 12 Midnight ... THAT WAY ... we go the following Monday ... surely even a snail like me-self can get loaded ... [/color:e4c23ed9f1][b:e4c23ed9f1][color=blue:e4c23ed9f1]into the West Division that is[/b:e4c23ed9f1]![/color:e4c23ed9f1]

All I'd want to be sure from Bernie is that some of us can load teams that last hour going up to 11:50 PM ... sounds like we can, no?
Last edited by Muadib1950 on Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:01 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Simon31 » Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:53 pm

[quote:c3bd055695]Then Dave, let's have the LEAGUE CREATOR set the Frenzy for [b:c3bd055695]11:50 PM [/b:c3bd055695]Friday night [/quote:c3bd055695]

Frenzy options are set to only run at the top of the hour. You can't set minutes. That would be a nice option though!
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Postby N Texas Widowmakers » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:15 pm

Why cant we start the draft now and just frenzy tomorrow night ? I'm sure we could get a few rounds in by tomorrow night.
N Texas Widowmakers
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Postby Simon31 » Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:55 am

I've found it's hard to change the scheduling at the last minute as there is no way of knowing who has plans tomorrow night. I did that in our Frenzy Fans last week and at least 1 manager was very upset about it. A lot of that had to do with the new Frenzy schduling program not working right though. However, if people want to start drafting now to save some time tonight, I have no problem with that. Just post your picks here and I'll catch up with it after I get home from work around 4:30.
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Postby Simon31 » Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:59 am

[b:2b7de13425]1) Deepdrive
2) andycummings65
3) minnie minoso
4) Frank Bailey
5) N. Texas Widowmakers
6) Simon31
7) The Rivs
9) Dugger
10) Muadib1950
11) Moririty
12) jamesgang77[/b:2b7de13425]
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Postby deepdrive » Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:28 am

1) Deepdrive - W. Mays, CF
2) andycummings65
3) minnie minoso
4) Frank Bailey
5) N. Texas Widowmakers
6) Simon31
7) The Rivs
9) Dugger
10) Muadib1950
11) Moririty
12) jamesgang77
Posts: 55
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