by mille1212 » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:17 am
I posted this on another thread, but this is my newbie perspective based on two autodrafts.
I agree that the draft system needs to be changed. I started the year with only 6 out of 24 of my original picks.
I didn't draft well and I got the players I wanted, but didn't need (didn't know what I was doing). Someone else drafts well and doesn't get the players they wanted or needed. Basically it's a crap shoot. Based on my experience, the only way to semi-get what you want is to understand how the broken system works when making your selections in the first place. Then base your picks on the system, not who you 'really' want.
On top of that, the only way to salvage the broken draft system is to be sitting at your computer when the waiver wire hits. Otherwise, you are bound to be disappointed as the first come first serve nature of the free agency benefits those that can be on their computers every moment.
Having said that, the only way to make it close to perfect is via a live computer draft. But, believe me I've been involved in a few of those (fantasy) that didn't work out either (due to quick time limit restrictions, computer issues, etc.) I like to take time to think, so the only perfect system is live in person draft in my opinion. It is also hard to find a time that fits well for 12 random people that could theoretically be anywhere in the world.
However, I do think they could do some simple things to improve the process even as it is. One is a simple fix in my opinion. Players could draft and rank their teams just as they do now. As in fantasy football, there could be a randomized draft order and the draft would need to be a snake draft (1-12 picks, then 12-1, then 1-12, etc.). Players should know their respective draft positions in advance of submitting their draft rankings (helps with drafting strategies). Selections would then be made one at a time by the computer. 1st player goes, computer checks if the player is available, computer assigns to team if he is, computer picks the next best player at that position (salary wise) if he is not and assigns that player instead. 2nd player goes and the computer does the same. Selections are made one at a time, so their is no tie involved and thus no teams that gets stuck with players that nobody else wanted. I think this would be better (fairer for sure) than the current system is with just that one change.
This process could be improved even more if you were allowed to couple this type of draft with the current computer assisted autodraft features I used when I played my free trial. I can't remember all of the choices, but % of money spent on pitching/hitting was one, and I think the balance of star players to fillers was another. These could be the general guidelines kind of like how the team managerial options work now.
Maybe a few more choices could be added to help customize the selections the computer is having to make for you to gear your selections towards your ballpark. These could be more individualized guidelines like the pitcher and hitter managerial options work now. Each of your 24 selections could have those boxes to the right to check the things you want the computer to weight like *SP only, defense, OBP, HR, SB, WHIP, R only, Closer, left handed, right handed, etc. etc., kind of like the things in the free agent search tool.
Another level of detail (and complexity) would be to add in sliding scales. I could slide the OBP scale to 330, the HR scale to 20, and the SB scale to 10 and the computer would do its best to match those selections.
Then a waiver system could be used for free agency instead of the current first come first serve. The waiver order could be based on record (some sort of tie breaker system based on stats), so the worst teams could have the option of going first. I am not sure how many transactions are typically made since I 've never played a full season, but once a week would work if there aren't many during season. Maybe run two per day from the time the original draft runs to the time of opening day.
These are just some thoughts I had and of course they would still not be perfect, but I think they would improve things. Again, for what it's worth newbie-wise.