You've just managed to argue against the primary reason you used for initiating this.
First it was to remove an element of inequity among vets and newbies, because of the knowledge advantage vets have on the drafting mechanics.
Now it's because it's all luck as it is now. [u:48bb0f9d56]All[/u:48bb0f9d56] luck? I respect what you're trying to do, but using extremes of false dichotomies doesn't gain any new converts to your idea.
It's not all luck; it's not all perfect; and it's also not all bad. No drafting system will be perfect because there are resource constraints--people want the same players.
By your way of thinking, every draft has to be equally disbursed...that is if you get Mays, well you cannot have Aaron and Brett...that wouldn't be "fair".
Sucking the fun right out of one element of the game that is a whole lot less frustrating than the dice rolls on any given night--and for that reason I'd rather have Bernie working on those other things.
just my 2c.