24 TKL chat

Postby qksilver69 » Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:05 pm

Sure Turtle, happy to be your #2. Let me know if there is a specific division of labor you want.
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Postby Cubit » Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:50 pm

Thanks Turtle & Qk

This is a big loss for us all Kaviksdad. I can understand the confusion in the rules changes and the pressures, but I know we've all really been glad to have you here. I don't want to lose you in the other leagues though! Keep those thoughts more tentative please.
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Postby The Turtle » Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:39 pm

Qksilver and I had a quick discussion and came to the following conclusions. This is what we will do going forward in order to expedite the process of moving to a 24-team league and in turn keep a fair and balanced approach to teams, since it is hard to weigh two leagues against each other.

1. Temporarily waive the majority vote, so we can move forward quickly.
2. Supplemental Draft by Salary
3. Divisions by Salary
4. 2012 FA draft will be by Season 2 records only (we cannot come up with a formula to weigh season 1 and 2 properly, so this seems the best judge.
5. Make more decisions based on the commish and vice commish without a vote, although, if you disagree you can call a vote. I will also communicate with the team with the worst record and best record on all decisions, in order to make a fair ruling for the leagues. I will also encourage PMs to be sent to me, if you have an opinion on a ruling, so Qksilver and I can make an informed decision, yet keep the message board drama free. It will operate much like a board of executives.
6. Add a rule stipulating votes may only last a week from notification that a vote has begun. At that time, the vote will close the the majority will win. The commish will e-mail and PM all members when a vote begins. (please PM me your e-mail if it is not in the file)
7. Amend the rule to make it where two members must call for a vote, for one to take place.
8. Make a compact with you, the rest of the league, to strictly abide to all previously written or amended rules now we are a 24-team league again as soon as Season 2 begins.

If you disagree and cannot continue under this format, please let me or qksilver know immediately so we can seek a replacement. I hope we all will continue and tchochran and kaviksdad will ultimately choose to return, now their burden is lessened.

The Turtle

PS. I am heading to work now, but will PM this message to all league members tonight when I get home.
The Turtle
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Postby The Turtle » Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:03 am

I PMed everyone except those who had replied to me already. Tomorrow afternoon I will add up the rosters and determine draft order and divisions. It will be close to what I posted earlier, but I have to add in the 5 players people are not using to the salary totals -- it could determine a couple of close salaries.

I hope to get this up by tomorrow night at the latest, so we can start drafting ASAP.

--- Kaviksdad, if you could please send me your latest roster update, I would appreciate it ---
The Turtle
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Postby Cubit » Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:23 pm

Turtle, and Qk, I'm with you. Thanks.
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Postby gbrookes » Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:17 pm

Sounds good!

By the way - I have a pitcher on my minor league roster named ( I think - I am on my iPhone) Slowey ( or is it Sowers? I think it is Slowey). I would like to drop this pitcher from my minor league roster.


Geoff Brookes
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Postby The Turtle » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:25 pm

Sorry for the delay, work is crazy right now, as I try to put out my annual football tab. I basically wake up and go to work (16 hour days). I finish up Tuesday and hope to start the supplemental draft then. I will get the draft order posted ASAP. Little harder to add those last three than I thought.
The Turtle
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Supplemental Draft

Postby evanthomas » Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:40 am

A little info for one of the new guys on the block. Is Saturday still the drop date? When will info on available players for the draft be available? I know nobody wants any of the folks I will drop, but it would be helpful to have a chance to review available players before the draft. I guess that means updated rosters need to be out reflecting drops before the draft?
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Postby The Turtle » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:18 am


Let me know if I missed something. A couple of trades were not posted on the trade thread and I had to track down. I hope I got them all.
The Turtle
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Postby The Turtle » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:20 am

Please post your drops for the supplemental draft by Tuesday, 8/23.


If everyone can post by 8/23, the draft will begin -- with 30-minute time slots -- on Wednesday, 8/24 (ideally). If we have not heard form everyone, we will give it a couple of more days and start the draft at the LATEST on Aug. 29. Everyone should expect an e-mail sometime tomorrow, to give everyone a heads up that we need drops.


1. joshflanagan
2. evanthomas
3. mr bbw
4. superfly...
5. tom pierce
6. rant
7. timklucinec
8. page2
9. red beards
10. tcochran
11. spider67
12. joekendall
13. nythawk
14. geoff brookes - Sowers
15. john law
16. cshannajr
17. thisisray
18. cubit
19. terry101
20. sjkorte
21. 7smitty7
22. the turtle - O'Sullivan, Fulchino
23. kaviksdad
24. qksilver - Slaton, Sweeney
The Turtle
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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