by Salty » Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:16 am
[quote:7e0448b936="Valen"]Judge Parker says bring out the gallows humor. Need some entertainment while waiting for the new additions.[/quote:7e0448b936]
Okay But I warned you...
Q: What do the new strat cards and Tom Cruise have in common?
A: They're both not out yet
Q: What natural/man-made disaster most prevents new strat stuff from coming out?
A: All of them
Q: Which do you expect to arrive sooner, economic recovery or bullpen3?
A: Economic Recovery, at least we admit there's a problem.
Q: In What Year will TSN actually start giving a crap about Strat-online?
A: "What's strat-online? Do we really own it?"
A: Cesar Cedeno, Teddy Higuera, Sarah Palin
Q: Name 3 people I've already seen too much of.
Ohh, yes, I hear the groans already.
Okay, Ill shut up now. :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
Ohhh, bonus question!!!
What comes up faster, Monica or Koufax's ERA in ATG 6?
(write all answers on the back of a $100 bill and send to El-Saltman, courtesey of TSN inbox :shock: )