by travelingjack » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:16 pm
To get to the proxy list click on "picks" next to "your Draft Summary"
1. Always turn off when adding/rearranging list. I save after turning off, don't know if you need to but better safe than sorry.
2. Don't forget to turn back on and save when finished.
3. To add a player to list- search for players, click on proxy. If it says draft next to players names you are up, draft a player and then you can finish proxy list.
4. Proxy list goes from top to bottom. When you add one player that player will be added at the top of the list (i.e. picked first), move him down the list if necessary.
5. DD numbering system starts with 0 and goes up, 0 will be picked before 1, 1 before 2, etc. If you want to change numbers on your list to start with 1 or whatever you can.
6. DD uses Groups and Priorities to help you prioritize proxies. Priority only applies within each group, example- Gr 1 Pr 6 will be picked before Gr 2 Pr 1.
7. Use "remove yes" to arrange so that you don't get two players from same position if you don't want both. Players must be in same group. example-
Gr 1 Pr 1 McCann
Gr 1 Pr 2 Posey remove-yes
You can do this with different positions to an extent, example-
Gr 1 Pr 1 McCann
Gr 1 Pr 2 Stanton remove- No
Gr 1 Pr 3 Posey remove- Yes
This works best if you can rearrange your proxy's after one round, if you miss more than one round you could miss out on the top player's position, in this case C, even if Posey was still available
8. If you want to remove a player from list check the delete player box and save.
9. The time and clock are listed under the player search box, make sure you note what time zone it is using. If time limits are being used it will be listed next to clock. The time does not refresh by itself, you will have to refresh page to update.
That's all I can think of for now, anyone with more tips or corrections feel free to post them.