Credit Sales

Postby TRW » Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:42 pm

[quote:65a24734b8="motherscratcher"]i won't pretend to know the cost of running this site. But, I do know this:

I have spent $225 here so far starting with my first team in January and including the 5 pack I bought today. But, at 20 bucks a pop, I think long and hard about cashing in a credit.

If credits were $10 each or maybe 12 for $100, I probably would have spent twice that by now. I'd probably be playing 2 new teams a week.

Now, I know that there is a cost to TSN to upgrade servers or whatever they would have to do to accommodate more play. But, isn't that part of the cost of growth that any business has to consider?

I'm not a business man but am I off in thinking that profit would follow growth?[/quote:65a24734b8]

Those are thoughts of a rational person...

Unfortunately, after a few years, you realize that TSN management really doesn't care about wheter this game grows its customer base or if it is profitable.

If you call them out and get enough people behind you, they will make a token gesture, like they did earlier this year. (meeting w/Strat & starting a customer referral program.)

I don't know how well that is working out for them though. All I know is until last Dec, I was spending $100+ per month for the last 4-5 years and now it it zero per month...and I don't think I am alone on that...

and from what I read on the MB's it seems that it is harder to fill leagues now than ever before...
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Postby kab105 » Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:38 pm

I am now out of credits and do not plan to purchase any more. I just can't accept the fact newbee's are paying one price while vets are paying a higher one. It just doesn't sit well with me. Never did, never will. I guess you can add me to the ever growing list of "retired" strat players. Nice work TSN. :evil:
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Postby The Last Druid » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:31 pm

Maybe there are some new players but more veterans have stopped playing. But still TSN refuses to offer any sales and doesn't even bother to get the new cards out either in anything approaching a timely fashion (i.e. when they said they would). It's about as effective as the FDA monitoring big pharma.

Or FEMA providing disaster "assistance." Today they commandeered the entire second floor where I work -- for the next three weeks. Just came in and took it over.
The Last Druid
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Postby TRW » Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:14 am


You should check out the Jesse Ventura - Fema episode on youtube from last year.

It was from his Conspiracy tv show...(not sure how real it was, but is was very entertaining...and scary if there is any truth to it.)
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:15 am

There are two entities involved in this.....TSN and Strat-o-Matic. None of us know how their arrangement works. Are the lack of sales a marketing decision by TSN? Or does Strat dictate that? What is Strat's goal here? Is it to make money on Strat online? Or is it to get new interest in strat to increase their own sales? Is their goal to get us to come and never leave and get a multitude of teams? Or are they trying to hook us on strat with the idea that we will leave here and buy the CDRom game and a whole bunch of seasons?
Mr Baseball World
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