The New TKL 24


Postby travelingjack » Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:55 pm

[quote:e3c5d7852e="The Turtle"]Yes, the clock will run on the weekend. We could delay moving the clock from 2 hours to 1 hour until Monday, though, to slow the pace down for those with busy weekends.

Let me know if you have conflicts that need to be considered.[/quote:e3c5d7852e]

derfs- here you go

edit- clock will go to one hour this weekend
Last edited by travelingjack on Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby superflymacdaddyjuice » Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:38 pm

This really sucks. The draft is stopping at the same places every time around and not just for a little while. I did not sign up for this. I signed up for a draft with a thirty minute clock. We should be nearly complete, instead we are not even a third of the way home. You need to find a replacement for me. I will allow the replacement to use my account for the draft site for the remainder of the draft.
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Postby The Turtle » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:15 am

[quote:cfa9ca55e0="superflymacdaddyjuice"]This really sucks. The draft is stopping at the same places every time around and not just for a little while. I did not sign up for this. I signed up for a draft with a thirty minute clock. We should be nearly complete, instead we are not even a third of the way home. You need to find a replacement for me. I will allow the replacement to use my account for the draft site for the remainder of the draft.[/quote:cfa9ca55e0]

A 30-minute clock won't help much. We are going through nearly 2 rounds a day as it is. It may seem slow, but a time slot draft on the boards can only do at most 1 round a day. I hope you stay on. The clock does move to 1 hour from the 10th round on and it will be on for the weekends.
The Turtle
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Re: One More THing...

Postby The Turtle » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:42 am

[quote:6f3f9b25f6="Cubit"]Are we supposed to turn off Our ON button at 10 PM? I thought that was what proxies were for? I somehow missed that little wrinkle.... Can not the ADMIN director halt the whole draft by fiat if we have banned hours? After getting told off for holding up the draft, I've made sure I have as many proxies as would get me through 2 choices to come, even though I've been volunteering near my university in NJ with the flood folks and starting classes since I was able to decode the system with all your help.[/quote:6f3f9b25f6]

There are no banned hours for proxies, leave them on. Only for manually skipping someone. It is like feeding a Mogwai after midnight -- don't do it.

If it is your turn (like ED) you can pick after 10 p.m. as well.
Last edited by The Turtle on Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Turtle
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Postby fredpaii » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:05 am

[quote:bc17a3ead9="superflymacdaddyjuice"]This really sucks. T[b:bc17a3ead9]he draft is stopping at the same places every time around and not just for a little while.[/b:bc17a3ead9] I did not sign up for this. I signed up for a draft with a thirty minute clock. We should be nearly complete, instead we are not even a third of the way home. You need to find a replacement for me. I will allow the replacement to use my account for the draft site for the remainder of the draft.[/quote:bc17a3ead9]

I hear ya, superfly. I feel your pain. One thing this process (slow-*** draft) is doing for me is teaching me some patience. There are times when I get very upset at those folks you alluded to by their actions (forcing everyone else to wait hours). But then I step back from the game and realize it's true import. It's (waiting) not that big a deal to get worked up about. Or at least STAY worked up about. So I hope you come back and see that this is only an online game. The true import of this game is, I have to say, in the interaction with fellow players. That's what really matters. Especially in a Keeper league. Look at it like that and you might see this league in a different light, my friend.
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Postby ed1447 » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:17 am

left proxies off last night bc did not want to select when clock was off like I did previous night.
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Postby travelingjack » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:24 am

[quote:43d55d1784="ed1447"]left proxies off last night bc did not want to select when clock was off like I did previous night.[/quote:43d55d1784]

ed- no problem, although proxy's should only fire if the person ahead of you drafts, as long as they don't pick your proxy won't fire. No one is required to pick after 10 anyway (though its nice when it does happen), problem is people taking forever during the day.
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Postby travelingjack » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:35 am

I hope you stay, although it may not seem like it this draft is actually moving relatively fast compared to chat tread drafts. We have twice as many owners so it figures to take at least twice as long as a 12 team league. Moving to one hour should help speed it up a bit, though we need everyone to have proxy's on. Compared to autodrafting a live keeper draft moves at glacial speed, however once it's done the fun of figuring out your team, trading, deciding who to keep, etc. makes it worth it.
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Postby rburgh » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:38 am

I think we're getting a little overexcited here. We've been getting about two rounds per day in since the clock came on - that's a good pace, and we'll be done long before the end of the month.

I can understand guys who have other things going on in their lives and can't devote the time to putting in a proxy list long enough to get them through a couple of rounds.
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Postby ed1447 » Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:10 am

Superfly, give it a chance now that the 1 hour limit will be on. I will stop paying attention to my wife and three kids (but not my dog) to focus and get this done.
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