Bud Selig Keeper League - Chat Thread

Just need dan for the central

Postby travelingjack » Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:31 am

I forgot who was on my team so I took Granderson, Ellsbury, and Verlander for the last three slots. Hope nobody minds, those three are scrubs anyway.
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:17 am

because the league was set up as a Frenzy, KRAMERS will need to set a Frenzy/Autodraft time/date or the league will not run. Just mentioning this as that is what it says on the league sign-up page. I know he set it once, but that date is way past, so Kramers, when you read this, better set another one for this week. Might have to see when teams fill the league and then do it.
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Postby thisisdan26 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:15 pm

West can now load.

and just a note to the league...when posting trades on this thread please use your TSN names and NOT the team names, it just makes it easier when Im doing the sheet. Also please post them like this:


Thisisdan trades:


to Cubit for:


cubit to confirm.
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:12 pm

West is good to load.
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Postby azpanthers11 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:15 pm

Will get in later tonight
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Postby azpanthers11 » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:29 pm

Will get in later tonight
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Postby STEVEKORTE » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:22 pm

I'm in. Down to azpanthers and JoeKendall to fill league.
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Postby JOSEPHKENDALL » Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:05 am

The league is full. There has not been a time set for the draft. I am not sure if one can be set after filling. If not, I believe you would need to contact TSN to get one scheduled.
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The "Frenzy" will be at Noon ET today.

Postby kramers » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:11 am

Since there are no actual waivers involved, I set it for earliest available time which is noon today (ET). This will give everybody plenty of time for setting lineups, etc. before next Monday (as well as any possible trades). Good luck to all in the new season!
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Postby azpanthers11 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:39 pm

azpanthers11 trades

OF - David Dejesus


Kramers for

DH - Jim Thome

Kramers to confirm
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