Shifting Sands LG., AD has run. Waivers run Fri., 5pm EST!

Postby modmark46 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:32 pm

Honestiago, even if it goes the full 7 games, you will be over after Wed. nights/Thur. morning's games run. So, you should be good to get your team in by Thur. at the latest. That should assure we fill by this Thursday, at the latest, giving us a Sat. Frenzy. Wed. would be even better, but I don't want to root for you to lose in your Finals. :)
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Postby MEAT » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:32 pm

do oakath72, paul and wrz know they're in the central now, and roosky in there waiting for them.
pw is shifty...
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:35 pm

I'm in!!!!! that's 2 in and 1/2 way home.
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Need OakAth in to fill the Central.

Postby modmark46 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:01 am

PW = shifty

EAST (Penmar Park Nel. 9,9/17,2)
6. gfdwarf07 - IN
5. he's meat - IN
10. Jamesgang77 - IN
12. Camsport75 - IN

CENTRAL (Forbes '57. 17,17/1,1)
11. Paul_Long71 - IN
9. OakAth72 -
3. Roosky - IN
2. wrz25 - IN

WEST (Hilltop '11. 17,12/1,19)
4.honestiago -
8. treyomo -
1. Modmark -
7. miduar -

1. Modmark. Theme = Each team must have three position player (not DH) platoons active at all times; injuries don't let you off the hook, so plan accordingly.
2. wrz25: Theme = Your SS, 2B, and CF must have a combined fielding rating of 7 or higher. (e.g. SS 2, 2B 2 and CF 3, or SS 1, 2B 3, CF 3, etc)
3. Roosky. Theme - you may only carry one pitcher that is 8 million or more at any given time.
4.honestiago--Balanced Batters--roster of 15; 5 must bat R, 5 left, and 5 are switch hitters.
5. he's meat - each team must have one, and only one JOHNSON at all times.
6. gfdwarf07 - At least one member of the starting (hitters) lineup for every game must have come from the WAS-DB, WAS-pre, WAS-post or MN-exp rosters, even considering injuries. (WAS-EXP does NOT count).
7. miduar - catchers cannot have a "1" injury rating, and MUST leadoff
8. treyomo - Uneven Steven - no pitchers allowed with a balance rating of E. (Exception - Walter Johnson IS allowed).
9. OakAth72- Left, Right, and Small....All East Teams play in Penmar, Central in Hilltop, West in Forbes '57.
10. Jamesgang77 - All relievers at .75 cents maximum.
11. Paul_Long71 - Of your starting 8 guys, your top HR hitter, whoever has the most on their "real life stats" not simulated stats, must bat in the 9th spot in the order.
12. Camsport75 (with Dad) - Every team must have two players with the same initials for his first and last name (example - Joe Jackson and Goose Goslin).
Last edited by modmark46 on Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby wrz25 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:08 am

I'm in. OakAth to fill central. Kind of like my team. That is of course if I get everyone. Have a feeling I'm going to hate it post AD and have a lot of work to do.
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Postby honestiago1 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:28 am

Well, good news! I lost. :-( Freakin' Venters (0-3, 14+ ERA in the playoffs).

Anywayz, I'll have this done today.
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Postby GFDWARF07 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:50 am

OK, I figured out a way to use my "smart" phone (whose supposed smarts I was doubting up to now) to tether to my laptop and connect to the internet. It will still be dirt slow, but that should help out a lot on Sunday.

I will quit whining about having to do this on my phone now. :oops:

And sorry you lost, honestiago.... If any of the goats/culprits for the loss are still alive, send 'em a bill for the credit! We should have that right.
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Postby honestiago1 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:53 am

yeah, Venters sucked it up good in the playoffs. Prior to that, I actually lost both him and Marmol for 15G each at different points in the season. 98 wins nevertheless, a comeback in the semis, came back from 2-0 in the finals to even it before dropping two straight. I figured if I got to Josh Johnson in game #7 it was mine, but alas...

Anyways, roster is done. Ready to load when West is open. Will switch back to central if the commish wants me to.
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Postby honestiago1 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:00 am

It's pretty hard to put together rosters with an eye for lineups. Seeing as how my HR hitter is last, and my catcher leads off, and I have to platoon in a righty slanted park, and some idiot made me take 5 R's, 5 L's and 5 S's. :-)

If there's something called sabermetrics, this is the opposite of it (take that, Billy f'in Beane).
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:33 am

yeah, sandsometrics is a very tricky form of mathematics and definitely not for the faint of heart.
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