Minimum/maximum performances possible

Postby voovits » Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:25 pm

Once again for clarification. I am not saying the model is incapable of reproducing all pitching performances. I am not saying it is incapable of reproducing good pitching performances. What I am saying is it is incapable of reproducing extreme positive pitching performance and extreme negative offensive performances.[/quote:27d548512a]

Actually, if anything my first post proved it was possible under certain circumstances.
I know you're out of luck when it comes to playing cards and dice and the online version of the game, but if you're playing by yourself on the CDROM game, you can turn on all the normalization options and get results similar to my first simulation. I would agree that more sims would be needed to be definitive, but there was a pretty significant difference between the 2 sims I did, with the first one bordering on extreme (in the HR and BB department).
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