I have had little success using lefty and righty secialists. I am considering giving up this strategy. When I check game highlights and lefty righty splits, HAL leaves these guys in too long, they face the wrong sided hitters and get whacked around. I have had Sambito and Clear for a number of drafts. There ERA's are always HIGH, like 7,8,9 or even higher. Especially lefty specialists. When I check there splits to see whom they are facing whether lefties or righties, it is too balanced. In other words HAL should have taken them out. Example, Mark Clear faces three righthanded batters, then HAL will leave him in for one or two or more lefty batters. With Lefties its worse, because so few left handed hitters.
I have settings on Quick, one or two innings, no IBB, do not face ____, lefty or righty specialist____ etc. Dont know what else to do. Any thoughts?[b:e46e829e5d][/b:e46e829e5d]