by nevdully's » Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:11 am
[quote:9e94532de7]Funny that anyone thought to check my ratings. [/quote:9e94532de7]
Welcome to a small step of walking a mile in my shoes. Where every day I get someone that says "Nev I see that you do that when you draft" "I see you posted that" "Nev remember you said such and such two years ago" "I notice you like filling a league late" "I see you spend about X amount on pitching"
Names I barely recognize seem to examine every move I make.
Guys that rarely post find a way into my threads, often just to dig at me either directly or indirectly, or just to ask a seemingly innocent question.
Frank Bailey once told me even though the trade I offered helped him a lot he wasn't going to do it because it helped me too....
Another told me "I looked at this trade for twenty minutes and I can't figure out why you want so and so" But I gotta decline because I must be missing something if you want so and so?
Another (ZakT) told me after 6 leagues and a sterling winning pct of about .450 on his resume to "pound salt" and "go find another newbie to take advantage of" when I told him using Williard Brown (4 E 36) at SS was a losing proposition in 200m (maybe any cap).
MBBW and Valen say context is important...Of course it is...But I guess they don't think that of the 40 active teams I run and thousand+
completed seasons I had, bringing thousands and thousands of trade offers and counters, that the few trades I post as examples, well, ahh, umm. what do I know, maybe I just didn't understand their context.
People assume a lot about me...but they lack context too.