Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:32 pm

Just thought I would setup a League Chat as it has been awhile since we were all assembled. I'd love to catchup with everyone and how they are weathering the new economic storm we are experiencing here in the U.S.

I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I just want to see our Great Nation get back on its feet again. It has been quite a challenging decade, but we have overcome adverstity before and I believe the strength of our people will be able to overcome any obstacle that comes our way - Especially if we can cease being a house divided and get on the same page - Beginning with our greatest strength - The Constitution.

This isn't necessarily intended to be a political thread or league - But since we have all been longtime strato friends, maybe we can form some type of alliance or thinktank and/or support system for each other. Friendship as well as competition has always been the intention of every league I have ever created here.

My Best wishes to every one of you as well as the entire Stratomatic Community. Robert
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Postby CATom » Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:04 pm

Robert, I AM a republican - and I'm proud to be one. Everyone who voted for the "change" of '08 - how's that working for ya'all? My deepest regret is we will not have a ticket of Trump/Palin to vote for in '12 = but at least I am very confident that our president Now WILL BE ONE AND OUT.

BTW - did I say how happy I am to be doing at least one GBBR league this year, and Robert I am so happy that things in your life are on the upswing!


NOW - let's PLAY BALL :).
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As stated...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:31 am

It isn't intended to be a political thread. I lived right behind John McCain's office earlier this year. I have delivered and been in that office over 100 times. I have also been to his home with flower deliveries. He is one of the most down to earth people I have ever met who was a politician.

And that is how I judge everyone - Race, Religion, socioeconomic status,political party sex, preference of sex - It's all the same to me. We all breathe, eat, **** and want the best for our children. My race is Human, my God is the same as everyone elses and I care about all people - Even those whom I feel may be misguided at times - Including myself. We all err, we all are exactly where we are supposed to be at all times.

I have learned to not converse a lot about Religion or Politics. I am always for Peace. I am always for Compassion, I am always for love, I am always for truth and honesty and forgiveness and healing and empowerment and abundance for all. And I also enjoy healthy competition among friends. And that's why I am still here after 10 yrs.

I look forward to playing with my friends once again. It has been awhile.
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Postby Jerlins » Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:40 am

Well, I'll chime in in this non-political thread as well. I'm a diehard conservative, and am still hoping the Republican Convention becomes deadlocked and they end up drafting Sarah Palin.

But you've hit the nail on the head when you mention the Constitution. This country really needs to get back to its roots and live by the intent of the founding fathers, especially regarding the duties of the three branches of government, especially the judiciary branch. Activist judges are near the top of the list as to what ails this country.

I'm sure I'll get hammered for this, but I honestly believe that only taxpayers (past and present, mind you, including the presently unemployed) should be allowed to vote. Seriously, does anyone think that the "welfare professionals" and "gimme girls" are going to vote for anyone other than those who promises (and gives) them the most freebies?

I can go on, but I understand the intent of this thread was not to get into a political discussion. So we'll leave this as is, and continue through the course of our season, bantering back and forth, like friends do.

Thanks again for setting up the league. I've always enjoyed the "crowd" you bring in to your leagues. Good peeps for sure. Now.....is the rumor true you didn't even send my invite until your division was full :wink: :lol:
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Postby bigmahon » Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:04 am

Hi guys! Good to be in this league. And really glad this thread isn't a political one. :shock: :lol: :P
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:15 am

I'm also a Conservative (more so fiscally than socially). I do hope things in this country turn around. I'm throwing my support to the robotic Mitt Romney. He seems to weather the storms better than any of his competitors during the ridiculous amounts of in-depth coverage they are all getting.
I would support any of the GOPers that can beat Obama and we can get our country back on track. The liberal big spenders like Bush and Obama need to stay retired and get retired.

Luckily, we're not talking about politics on this thread, so lets talk baseball. How about that Wilson Ramos? I was angry when the Twins traded him for a box of baseballs. He had a good season with the Nats....and then his fellow countrymen decided to kidnap him at gunpoint. I am thankful he was found alive and well! Rumors are the Chavez was behind his kidnapping so he could authorize him being saved and look like a hero. Crazy? Maybe.

Thanks Rob for inviting us back. We need to fill the winter months with some baseball. It gets cold here in Minnesota, so the thought of a game played in the warm sunshine is a great help when it's negative-30 outside.

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Everyone's POV...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:30 pm

Political, sports or otherwise is certainly welcome here. I actually like to hear what other people think. What I don't want to get into is arguments that divide us or distract from our enjoyment of the league.

I have always been what one would call a Centrist - A liberal Republican or a very conservative Democrat. I abhor both extremes on either side. IMO, a balanced budget - Or at least moving in that direction is where I will place my vote. Anything that gets good hard working people back to work is what I am for at this place in time.

I have never been one that believes in handouts for free - which creates a huge drain on the economy. But I do believe in programs that help people to help themselves. I think it's time to invest in alternative education for adults to teach them simple skills they can use for jobs that they can do. Publkic works for our crumbling infrastructure.

Times change, and what was once an open invitation to come to America and pursue the dream should have much more rigid requirements to receive that privilidge. Otherwise, the doors should be closed. Revenues coulke easily be created and costs lowered by legalizing certain substances and prostitution so they can be controlled, heavily taxed and clean up the courts for simple charges as possession. This could cut down on crime and violence and the revenue could pay for our prisons. What taxpayers really want to pay more money to keep non criminals incarcerated.

Also, there should be much harsher punishments for hard criminals - Murderers, rapists, etc. Including the death penalty. But I thing hard labor where they must produce something at a zero or very low labor cost that we can export products that can increase our GNP and reduce our debts.

Anyway, I have felt strongly about this area(Crime) for at least 20 yrs now. It's a start at least. Just my 2 cents. :roll: :wink: R
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Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:36 pm

Jerlins - Yes I waited til the East was filled - No more 3-21 series for me. But I let Stoney in. That's enough of a strain.

AND...I have invited ,Cummings, LMB and Riggodrill as well as Edge and Jeep, - Who have confirmed. I ask that everyone be patient as we fill this week. Thanks. R
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Re: Oh, BTW

Postby Jerlins » Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:43 am

[quote:497c5180fb="robvoz"]Jerlins - Yes I waited til the East was filled - No more 3-21 series for me. But I let Stoney in. That's enough of a strain.

AND...I have invited ,Cummings, LMB and Riggodrill as well as Edge and Jeep, - Who have confirmed. I ask that everyone be patient as we fill this week. Thanks. R[/quote:497c5180fb]

A scary bunch indeed. It's not often I get to play with these guys. I've only played in 2 auto-drafts this year, as my other teams were either keeper leagues, or early pre-draft theme leagues. Wish I could play more, but like others, I have to be careful with my funds. Your leagues are always worth waiting for.
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I've been saving...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:46 am

My pennies to play this one as I have been semi homeless since July - Staying with different friends and helping out with groceries and utils. Just haven't been able to put enough together at one time to get into a new place. I have always been able to work long hrs to pay my way, but I'had never experienced a year like this one before.

But this month, everthing is finally picking up so I hope to have a place by the 1st of Dec. Just wondering how the economy has been affecting others. R
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