I signed Barfield after somebody else dropped him. I am spending a ton on him but he never even makes contact or moves runners and is batting below the mendoza line. Can I expect him to come reasonably back towards his 1986 numbers? For those who have played the 86 set a lot how does he usually perform? Should I cut my losses, it is a 10% penalty at this point if I do.
I could probably get two players for his salary but I hate taking the penalty. I am not sure how long I can bat him 4th. The K's are really what are wrecking me. He kills all my rallies without ever moving runners.
I have never played this game online before but I don't really like the layout of his card but I assumed over the long haul it would somehow work out. Am I just being impatient or does Barfield suck? I read that you guys warn newcomers not to unload guys who start real slow and take big penalties so I am trying to be smart about it.
I appreciate any insight you guys have to offer.