Postby BDWard » Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:36 pm

Manager/adding 77 and 89/Full Live draft/Amended live draft
1. honestiago DC/DC/DC
2. andycummings
3. visick - Adding years and Amended Draft for 4 players.
4. gfg001
5. dukie98
6. ShakeyBoomer
7. Frank M - 77-89 is fine and Amended Draft for 6 players.
8. BDWard - 77-89, DD draft of up to 15 players, unique parks*

* I can live with either an autodraft or live draft of any length up to 15 rounds for players. If there is a live draft, it's possible that one could still get burned by the remaining autodraft picks with just 4-6 players being selected in a live draft. A live draft of a few more rounds might give more competitive balance. Also, if we are doing a live draft, should unique stadiums be reconsidered? I'd hate to be in a league full of Fenways and Yankee Stadiums, which are the two most skewed parks from 1978.
Last edited by BDWard on Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dukie98 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:52 pm

Regardless of whether we include 1977 and/or 1989, the player pool will be highly limited, which should make for a great challenge. I agree that we should have at least 6 rounds (I'm fine with more) for a live draft, since it will be very difficult to recover from a bad autodraft.

As best as I can determine, the player pool shakes out as follows:

Using 1978-88 only, as initially proposed, there will be 466 position player cards and 339 pitcher cards available. This includes duplicates (such as the seventeen Carney Lansfords), so the true number of players available to draft is significantly less.

1977 has a much bigger effect on the player pool than 1989, because it includes several franchises (Phillies, Dodgers, and Rangers). There are 62 position players and 33 non-pitchers from 1977. Highlights include George Foster, Bert Blyleven, Reggie Smith, and upgrades/ alternatives for Schmidt, Candelaria, Fisk and Sutter.

1989 adds just 19 cards. The best hitters are Will Clark and Kevin Mitchell, plus Kevin Brown and Dibble on the mound.

I support adding 1989 to keep with the 80s theme, and have no preference as to including 1977. If we add both years, we will have 541 position player cards, and 378 pitcher cards to choose from. Paul Zuvella may finally be on a draft card.
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Postby honestiago1 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:57 pm

I am all for drafting stadiums. I was originally going to propose that, before posting the rules I did.

That said, I do not want an extremely long draft of any kind. At the moment, we have 4 votes for some sort of draft (llooks like amended at the moment). Assuming this trend holds, propose we go with 6 rounds for players, and choose unique stadiums. Stadium draft is posted here on the boards, and is opposite order of the amended draft. Any draft will be serpentine, so basically round #2 features a player pick for each team, plus a stadium choice.

Once stadiums are chosen, I propose divisions be arranged alphabetically, in order of stadium name as on they appear on the park list (I think this will be an interesting wrinkle).

This assumes that people in the league approve of an amended draft, and unique stadiums (a choice I have added to the list below).
Last edited by honestiago1 on Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby honestiago1 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:59 pm

Added dukie's preferences*

Manager/adding 77 and 89/Full Live draft/Amended live draft/unique parks
1. honestiago add both years/amended 6 round/Unique parks
2. andycummings
3. visick - Adding years and Amended Draft for 4 players.
4. gfg001
5. dukie98 add 89 [no pref for 77]/Amended draft, 6 players
6. ShakeyBoomer
7. Frank M - 77-89 is fine and Amended Draft for 6 players.
8. BDWard - 77-89, DD draft of up to 15 players*
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Postby gfg001 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:01 pm

[quote:6c9c944b94="honestiago"]Added dukie's preferences*

Manager/adding 77 and 89/Full Live draft/Amended live draft/unique parks
1. honestiago add both years/amended 6 round/Unique parks
2. andycummings
3. visick - Adding years and Amended Draft for 4 players.
4. gfg001 yes to adding years 77-89, no to live draft/amended live draft/ yes to unique stadiums
5. dukie98 add 89 [no pref for 77]/Amended draft, 6 players
6. ShakeyBoomer
7. Frank M - 77-89 is fine and Amended Draft for 6 players.
8. BDWard - 77-89, DD draft of up to 15 players*
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Postby visick » Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:01 pm

Manager/adding 77 and 89/Full Live draft/Amended live draft/unique parks
1. honestiago add both years/amended 6 round/Unique parks
2. andycummings
3. visick - Adding years and Amended Draft for 4 players, Unique stadiums
4. gfg001 yes to adding years 77-89, no to live draft/amended live draft/ yes to unique stadiums
5. dukie98 add 89 [no pref for 77]/Amended draft, 6 players
6. ShakeyBoomer
7. Frank M - 77-89 is fine and Amended Draft for 6 players.
8. BDWard - 77-89, DD draft of up to 15 players*
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Postby honestiago1 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:04 pm

Added dukie's preferences*

Manager/adding 77 and 89/Full Live draft/Amended live draft/unique parks
1. honestiago add both years/amended 6 round/Unique parks
2. andycummings
3. visick - Adding years and Amended Draft for 4 players.
4. gfg001 yes to adding years 77-89, no to live draft/amended live draft/ yes to unique stadiums
5. dukie98 add 89 [no pref for 77]/Amended draft, 6 players
6. ShakeyBoomer
7. Frank M - 77-89 is fine and Amended Draft for 6 players.
8. BDWard - 77-89, DD draft of up to 15 players*

Totals thus far:
Adding years=6 (this will more than likely pass).
Draft=5 for amended, 1 opposed (likely to pass, but we'll see).
Unique stadiums=2 for (waiting on a lot more votes on this).
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Postby dukie98 » Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:26 pm

I'm for unique stadiums.

I don't think there would be a way to ensure unique stadiums without having some sort of live draft (unless we simply drafted stadiums but not players, and that wouldn't be fair to the teams picking last).
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Postby BDWard » Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:55 pm

Manager/adding 77 and 89/Full Live draft/Amended live draft/unique parks
1. honestiago add both years/amended 6 round/Unique parks
2. andycummings
3. visick - Adding years and Amended Draft for 4 players.
4. gfg001 yes to adding years 77-89, no to live draft/amended live draft/ yes to unique stadiums
5. dukie98 add 89 [no pref for 77]/Amended draft, 6 players, unique parks
6. ShakeyBoomer
7. Frank M - 77-89 is fine and Amended Draft for 6 players.
8. BDWard - 77-89, DD draft of up to 15 players, [color=red:165481f868]unique parks[/color:165481f868]

Totals thus far:
Adding years=6 (this will more than likely pass).
Draft=5 for amended, 1 opposed (likely to pass, but we'll see).
Unique stadiums=4 for (waiting on a lot more votes on this).
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Postby visick » Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:56 pm

I'm Switzerland on the stadium situation.

NEUTRAL either way
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