ATG - Franchise combo league

ATG - Franchise combo league

Postby wrz25 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:57 pm

Haven't done one of these in awhile but they are tons of fun and I think will be even more interesting with the new cards. Here are the rules:

-12 teams, DH, 200 million cap, 5/10/20 penalty.

-10 round franchise draft/NEL player draft on the ILC board- random order

-Each team picks half of a franchise from a different era or an NEL player for a total of 8 half franchise and 2 NEL players. Ex: Pre-war Yankees hitting, Exp Phillies Pitching, etc. You then own the rights to all of the players on that franchise (subject to tie-breaker, trading, and FA rules below) and can only use these players when filling out your draft card.

-You can only have one hitting franchise and one pitching franchise from each era (DB hitting, Pre-war hitting, Post-war hitting, and Exp hitting and DB- pitching, Pre-war hitting, Post-war hitting, and Exp-hitting). Ex: You cannot have Pre-war Yankee hitting and Pre-war Cardinals hitting. You can, however, same team different eras or same team pitching and hitting from same era. Ex: Okay to draft - DB Yankee hitting and Pre-war Yankee hitting or DB-Yankee hitting and DB- Yankee pitching.

-Tie-breakers for players on multiple franchise or over multiple eras goes to the team who FIRST picks a half a franchise with the player carded to that team regardless of the price. For example, in the unlikely event someone picks Bos-DB pitching before someone picks Pre-War Yankee hitting, then Babe Ruth's pitching card is eligible to the team selecting Bos-DB pitching not the team selecting pre-war Yankees. This may result in some good cards not being eligible but we need a tie-breaker. Also see rules below how this can be overcome. ***Please be aware of this rule when selcting franchises***.

-If a player with multiple cards is not selected on the draft card by the team who selected a franchise that owns the initial rights to that player then any team can pick up that player provided that the card picked belongs to one of their franchises.

-Trades are allowed provided that the player traded has an eligible card on a franchise selected by another team and the team receiving that player uses only the card eligible for his team. Example - the team that selects pre-war Cards hitting can trade the rights to Hornsby to the team that selects the pre-war Cubs privided that when the Cubs get Hornbsby's rights they uses his 11.53 card. Also NEL for NEL players are allowed.

-Stadiums must be selected from one of the franchises you select.
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Postby wrz25 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:58 pm

1) wrz25
2) mrharryc
3) bontomn
4) sschu
5) Roosky
6) tuvthomas
7) Modmark
8) rburgh
9) Frank Bailey
10)drfreeze49 (I Think I understand)
11) Frank M
12) andycummings65
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Draft Order :)

Postby rburgh » Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:47 pm

1. rburgh
2. bontomn
3. mrharryc
4. andycummings65
5. wrz25
6. sschu
7. drfreeze49
8. Roosky
9. tuvthomas
10. Frank Bailey
11. Frank M
12. Modmark
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Postby wrz25 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:15 pm

Thanks Rburgh. Kick us off when ready. Please post your pick as follows:

Era - Team- hitting or pitching.

Ex: DB - Giants - hitting
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Postby wrz25 » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:18 pm

Franchises used:
Pitching :

Round 1
1. Rburgh
2. Bontom
3. Mrharrynyc
4. Andycummings65
5. Wrz25
6. Sschu
7. Drfreeze49
8. Rooskys
9. Tuvthomas
10. Frank Bailey
11. Frank M
12. Modmark
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Postby katzenjammer » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:34 pm

Just so I understand - how was the draft order determined again?
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Postby rburgh » Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:53 pm

Our commish (wrz) requested a randomizer run in the main ATG thread. has a nice little app that will generate random numbers. The draft order is determined by that sequence. The first pick went to whoever signed up 8th, etc.

This is a common means of doing a number of things here. We also use it in the random parks leagues, where each park is given a number, usually alphabetically.
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Postby katzenjammer » Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:01 pm

OK - got you - how long does this procedure - the team draft, typically take. Is there a lot of time allowed between picks?
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Postby rburgh » Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:13 pm

Franchises used:
Hitting: PRE-NYY
Pitching :

Round 1
1. Rburgh Pre-NYY-hit
2. Bontom
3. Mrharrynyc
4. Andycummings65
5. Wrz25
6. Sschu
7. Drfreeze49
8. Rooskys
9. Tuvthomas
10. Frank Bailey
11. Frank M
12. Modmark
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Postby rburgh » Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:14 pm

There's no clock. This group will probably be done by Jan 13th, so the league will likely start on the 16th.
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