by fredpaii » Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:51 pm
[quote:331ce3c73e="theClaw"]I am really hoping this drafts tonight...[/quote:331ce3c73e]
This is where I wish bernie could implement the last team rule.
It would go like this...
[[b:331ce3c73e]i]Last team rule[/i][/b:331ce3c73e]--When a non-waivers league gets down to the last team and five hours have passed it goes for half price ($6.50 or so in this case), thereby insuring that existing league members get a chance to do something constructive other than peering back and forth between the league page and their "Things to do" list that day.
bernie, I'm kidding!
I'm grateful for your (bernieh) generosity when you awarded me a free credit when this league wasn't filling up after a few months. thank you again.