freddie lindstrom has missed 30 games already.

freddie lindstrom has missed 30 games already.

Postby sdajr76 » Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:39 am

this team has played 108 games, and freddie has only taken the field in 88 of them. oh yeah, and he is on the DL again.

HAL has been loving that 2-2 roll lately.

Last edited by sdajr76 on Sat Jan 14, 2012 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby andycummings65 » Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:32 am

I think you are getting a bargain by only missing 20 games Steven----in real life Freddie is dead.
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Postby PotKettleBlack » Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:32 am

Recently had a team where Brosius got injured 5 separate times.

Life is hard in the city.
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Postby sdajr76 » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:20 am

it happened again! another 2-2 roll for 3 more games. now he has only played in 93 out of 120 games.

this must be some sort of record for a 3 game injury guy.

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Postby macnole » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:41 am

the whole injury thing is just executed very badly. I wish we could enforce plate appearance limits etc; similar to some SOM tourney rules.
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:05 am

feel for ya, bro.

in case people don't know, Lindstrom has 670 ab+bb thus he can ONLY be a 3-game injury. so poor sdajr has had the 2-2 roll 10 times and each time it was for the maximum 3 game injury.....and the season is only 2/3 of the way completed. That's long odds, but I still agree with andy as well, in real life he is, in fact, dead.
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Postby The Last Druid » Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:15 pm

[quote:a23286eec3]think you are getting a bargain by only missing 20 games Steven----in real life Freddie is dead. [/quote:a23286eec3]

:lol: Now that was funny.

I used to use him on almost all of my small ball teams. Now, even if I draft his 3rd or 4th I [b:a23286eec3]never[/b:a23286eec3] get him.

So glad to see he's injured. Hope he stays that way in all the leagues he is in. :lol:
The Last Druid
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Somebody always has a sadder injury tale

Postby BDWard » Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:49 pm

No matter how unfair the injuries may seem, someone always has a sadder tale of injury woe.

I've currently got a couple of guys who have the injury bug.

George Foster has been injured 4 times in just 57 games, missing 11 games, for the Reds in a post WWII franchise theme league. Oddly, he has the same injury number, 2-2, as Lindstrom. The funny thing is that my other starting OFers, Vada Pinson and Wally Post, can't get injured, so I went with a $.50 mil backup OFer, Bob Thurman, to maximize cap space, who's been seeing a little too much duty as HAL's first backup choice for Foster. Although I don't like to pull injury replacements from my starting lineup, I finally got fed up and am using my DH against lefties, Tommy Harper, in LF when Foster is injured, and DHing Ray Jablonski against lefties. The team link is below:

Foster has now missed 11 games, despite missing only 4 games in real life in 1977. He had 676 "Strato" plate appearances, just 4 short of qualifying for a remainder of game max injury. Note that in 1977, Foster had 689 "official" MLB plate appearances.

My other current player with the injury bug is Wilie McCovey. He's been injured 5 times in 141 games, missing 14 games. Despite the injuries, McCovey is having a great season, with 62 HRs, just two behind the league leader, and 146 RBI, just 1 behind teammate George Brett for the league lead. The link for that team is below:

Although injuries are frustrating, I regularly play guys who can get injured for 15 games and haven't been burned too often, knock on wood.

I agree that the injury system could be better, but I really can't complain a whole lot, since we all make our choices knowing the risks, with injuries literally being the "roll of the dice". It's a level playing field, with all of us playing by the same rules, and in theory the injuries even out in the long run, though they can be maddening in the short run.

I wouldn't mind having injuries turned off for the playoffs, as we all like to put our best team on the field for the post season, with most of us also preferring to play our opponent's best team as well.

Injuries might be a little easier to tolerate if the backups on the team weren't so cheap. I think it would be a much better system to be able to put a player with a lengthy injury on the "DL" with no penalty while retaining rights to that player and "call up" at no additional cost a free agent back up worth 33%-50% of the injured player.

Another possible solution for backups is to have all players designated as backups cost a set "low" price, which would be adjusted upward if the backup exceeded certain usage limits. Of course, such a system would have to be carefully thought out to prevent abuses.

I'm hoping that With the new game platform there may be the possibility for an injury system overhaul.

The bottom line is that if we have an all time great lineup, why shouldn't we have at least a decent bench at the lower caps?
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:13 pm

bdward....that's tough luck, but not sadder or worse luck than 10 injuries of 3-games each in the first 100 games of the year....just sayin'
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Postby BDWard » Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:34 pm

I agree Paul. But the season is still young for Foster. :D

Nonetheless, Lindstrom's injuries are a bit much and are noteworthy for incredible bad luck.

If this thread goes long enough, somebody will eventually tell an even more incredible injury tale.
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