Invitational league: Weinberg vs Petrosian

Postby scorehouse » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:37 pm

how does diamond dope draft work?
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Postby scorehouse » Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:37 pm

i know petro and nevnutts want me in!
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Postby The Last Druid » Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:37 pm

Not a snowball's chance in hell of that happening.
The Last Druid
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Postby scorehouse » Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:44 pm

putty cat! :twisted:
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Postby scorehouse » Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:56 pm

petro is armenian for NEWT!
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Postby jet40 » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:11 pm

I am here, don't feel I am good enough for such heavy hitters. Have only 1 credit left and planned on saving it for a theme league.

However I will join if you don't fill. My time is very limited these days but if we are using the DD site it should be no problem.
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Postby The Last Druid » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:12 pm

What about your compatriots?
The Last Druid
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Oh, boy...

Postby 13Baseballs » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:15 pm

[quote:c81c6cd8d3="weinberg"] I have no idea who you are.. im all for inviting another girlfriend of petros to the prom.[/quote:c81c6cd8d3]

For not having any idea who anybody is... your comment reminds me of a saying back in my younger days "down right rude"!

Weinberg... who do you think you are? You are not above or better than any other Manager because you have a winning record in ATG. Why do you have to talk down to people and make references to other Managers and their past? What gives Dude? This is just a game! Please lighten up. I wish I had Petro's record. Last time I looked, he was Rated #2... Hook or Crook... it is still a Great Rating! Better than both of us... :lol:
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Postby Salty » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:21 pm

[quote:2f56be1897="weinberg"] By my calculations, on an ATG6 basis, any salary cap above 116M gets strictly formulaic. Anything below 72M gets too random. By those standards, only 80M and 100M are suitable salary caps for ATG6. .[/quote:2f56be1897]

What kind of calculator are you using??????

What formula(e) are we referring to?
I dont play by a formula, I lose plenty and I win some.

The toughest leagues to consistently win at are the live draft no cap leagues.
...and if you havent played in em, please please please dont assume to know.
If you have, and you dont think they are the toughest competition- then go ahead and say so, I can respect that.

PS- congrats to OakAth- thats really great!
and yes, you should know him...hes a cool person.
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Postby cristano1 » Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:34 pm

13baseballs: "i have no idea who you are" was directed toward OakAth... it simply meant, i have no idea who he is, since i usually only play in the barnstormers and he has never played in the barnstormers... ive never seen him or been in one league with him... it wasnt meant as an insult, just simply i had no idea who he was... i then went on to say, if his calculations were correct, and he had the 550 win percent in 80m and 100m formats, then that was pretty awesome... im rude a lot but i wasnt being rude there... secondly, anyone who goes by the sportingnews ratings is insane... we all know that someone who played 500 leagues at 60-102 has a far better rating than someone who played 50 leagues at 100-62...

el-saltman: if i were to guess (having never played in them) i would say that unlimited cap live drafts are the hardest to dominate... so yes, no argument here, they should be the hardest to consistently win... but not because of skill, just because all teams are essentially equal... in a live draft uncapped league, i would expect everyone to be 81-81... it has little to do with anything but draft position and position scarcity... each and every pick is scripted... i would expect gibson arky and ruth to go top 3 every single time, then bonds and mantle... when i say my min of 72m and max of 116m im not using a calculation i am using simulation... in a 60m league, every single team can have steals at all positions, so that is difficult to dominate... in an 80m league, there are still a lot of steals, but they are the best for lefty teams and righty teams... 100m managers are forced to have some sucky players, i feel this set is the most skilled... but by the time we are at 140m, its all about drafting the biggest salary... 140m means 40m at most on starters and 95m on 9 batters so 10m a batter, that doesnt leave flexibility.... then you have 100m, where you need to have a few cheap batters on your team... but who are they going to be? what positions are overpriced and which are underpriced? thats where the skill comes in... and its a lot harder to make a lefty dominant team (petros 40-17 semis aside) or righty dominant team in 100m than 80m...
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