ATG Keeper League: Full - hallelujah

Postby LJs » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:35 am

Just my 2 cents.

I wouldn't recommend a steal round but instead, allow each manager to designate 3 players that they will keep and then have a five round draft that allows each manager to another protect another 3 players after each round. for example:

1. Each manager must protect any 3 players on their team roster
2. First round - Each manager drafts 1 player
3. Each manager decides to either protect up to 3 more players or waives the right and chooses draft picks. (Each manager must designate their protected players or indicate they are taking draft picks before the draft round)

4. Second round - Each Manager drafts 1 new player plus and picks they recevie from not protecting players. (Potentially, a manager can up to 4 picks in any of the 5 rounds).

At the end of 5 rounds, each manager will have chosen or kept a total 20 players. Last five players are autodrafted. This way, if a manager believes he has built a very good team, he/she should be allowed to try to "keep" as many players as possible which is the theme.

Any new "drafted player" can already be on the managers roster - their choice; doesnt have to be a new player.

Each manager can elect to waive the right to protect existing players in each round and instead supplement them for 1,2 or 3 draft picks to be taken all at once during their turn in the draft round.

Agree with changing stadiums and alternating b/t DH and no DH.

Just a suggestion from my end. I'm happy to go along with this group's decision on the format.

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Postby motherscratcher » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:43 am

Jimmiejoes table seems to be sorted by last digit like Andy is talking about. I think that looks like a good, simple way to split up the pool. I do like the idea of using a rondomizer to determine the pools used each season because there would be an endless number of combinations.

I think players should play on 3 year contracts from the time they are picked up. If they are traded, the contract is in tact and running. If they hit the free agent pool, whoever picks them up can start over on a new 3 year contract. The keeper players should be exempt from having to be dropped if their card year is removed from the pool.

That way nobody can hog the Tony Bernazard and Cory Snyder cards. Everyone can have a chance at them.
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Postby motherscratcher » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:48 am

LJ, in your scenario, in round 2 (or 3 or whenever) can a manager protect 2 players and draft 1? Or protect 1 player and draft 2? Or is it all or nothing protect 3 vs draft 3?

What do you think about the player pool divided like JJ and Andy suggest?
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Postby jimmiejoe » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:50 am

Just some salary data:
Card year ends in 0 --
Total - $1,462,600,000 (818,329,000 Hitters, 644,280,000 Pitchers)
Avg / Team - ~ $122M

Breakdown of # players by salary 'group'

0.5 - 31
<1 - 104
<2 - 4
<3 - 86
<4 - 62
<5 - 62
<6 - 43
<7 - 23
<8 - 16
<9 - 12
<10 - 0
>10 - 7

I did not break down by position, but looks like the pool would work. Also no consideration for the George Uhles - multiple cards in this pool. Cant imagine there's too many.

I think in LJs system, # of keepers ends up between 3 and 15

Rds 1-3: Mandatory keeps
4 draft
5-7: keep or draft
8 draft
9-11: keep or draft
12 draft
13-15: keep or draft
16 draft
17-19: keep or draft
20 draft
21-25: autopick

for all 'keep or draft' rounds, team must declare how many they keep and how many will be drafted.

I'm ok with this, or stealing - hope to hear from the rest of the guys

One other question is about multiple player cards. Example, I draft Matty Alou (1970) and declare him a keeper (lets say 3 season contract). Next, season 2 randomizer (or season 3 arrives) and year ending in 2 is in our player pool. Can I freely swap this card for the 1962 version? I say no.

Or Aaron in the '9' year. If owner plays his 1959 card, he can not keep Aaron and switch to the 1969 card within the term of the contract.
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Postby PillPop » Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:02 pm

I'm warming up to the final digit scenario in any of the ways detailed here.

I think that unique stadium is a must and I'm okay with the idea that you have the option to keep the same stadium through the entire theme... at the very least, you should have the option to stay in *a* Forbes or *a* Yankee the whole time so your team becomes like a real franchise.
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Postby 1787 » Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:22 pm

Based on how this developing, I think I will wish you well ad move on. Thanks and good luck.
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Postby motherscratcher » Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:04 pm

No problem. I figured we'd lose a few on the way.

1. motherscratcher
2. macnole
3. jimmiejoe
4. andycummings
5. fraank123
6. gkhd11a
7. Dukie98
8. joekendall
10. PillPop
11. LJs
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Postby Brannu » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:11 pm

How many seasons?
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Postby motherscratcher » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:55 pm


Probably 10 to 12. Or indefinite?
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Postby motherscratcher » Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:59 pm

1. motherscratcher
2. macnole
3. jimmiejoe
4. andycummings
5. fraank123
6. gkhd11a
7. Dukie98
8. joekendall
10. PillPop
11. LJs
12. Herpad1959

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