Site rebuild teaser... parts 2 and 3 (update Fri. 1/27)

Postby Knerrpool » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:28 pm

Would love to see GIDP on that tab as well. Thanks Bernie!
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Postby PotKettleBlack » Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:19 am

[quote:9c6e24e03c="Knerrpool"]Would love to see GIDP on that tab as well. Thanks Bernie![/quote:9c6e24e03c]

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Postby coyote303 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:57 am

The Ballpark HR results might give clues to a player's card in the 90s mystery card game. But I don't care! It's too cool not to have it.
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Postby Stormcrow2012 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:11 am

It would be really nice if GWRBI were kept track of in the stats.
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Postby keyzick » Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:29 am

Another thought...the ability to search/sort through your own history of teams.

Ex.: If you wanna find your top HR hitting teams, teams with best pitching, etc..
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Postby voovits » Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:40 am

I'm curious. Are those stats in the example you gave made up or did they come from a few games of actual simulation?
I only ask because Wally Backman does not have any ballpark homerun effects on his card.

If those numbers came from some actual test simulations, then you may want to make sure the ballpark effect system is functioning proper.

Also, to elaborate on what Coyote said; you may want to be careful about what information you show in a mystery card league. Perhaps hide some of the stats until after the season is over and then reveal it at the end when player seasons are revealed.
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Postby bernieh » Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:31 am

[quote:49d7397f29="PotKettleBlack"]Under SB-CS, why only 3rd and HM?
Best practices of Usability* would put the 2B steals in their own success/caught column on this tab.[/quote:49d7397f29]

[quote:49d7397f29="Knerrpool"]Would love to see GIDP on that tab as well. Thanks Bernie![/quote:49d7397f29]

[quote:49d7397f29="Stormcrow2012"]It would be really nice if GWRBI were kept track of in the stats.[/quote:49d7397f29]


(Although you know GWRBI is [url=]no longer an official stat[/url], right?)

[quote:49d7397f29="Voovits"]I'm curious. Are those stats in the example you gave made up or did they come from a few games of actual simulation?
I only ask because Wally Backman does not have any ballpark homerun effects on his card.[/quote:49d7397f29]
Both. Actual simulation, of wacky test data. If you want to know, everybody's underlying card in this test is Babe Ruth.

[quote:49d7397f29="Voovits"]Also, to elaborate on what Coyote said; you may want to be careful about what information you show in a mystery card league. Perhaps hide some of the stats until after the season is over and then reveal it at the end when player seasons are revealed.[/quote:49d7397f29]
Definitely being considered. I may get the input of you MC players when the time comes. Thanks!
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Postby PotKettleBlack » Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:59 am

[quote:57b2b6c778="bernieh"][quote:57b2b6c778="PotKettleBlack"]Under SB-CS, why only 3rd and HM?
Best practices of Usability* would put the 2B steals in their own success/caught column on this tab.[/quote:57b2b6c778]

[quote:57b2b6c778="Knerrpool"]Would love to see GIDP on that tab as well. Thanks Bernie![/quote:57b2b6c778]

[quote:57b2b6c778="Stormcrow2012"]It would be really nice if GWRBI were kept track of in the stats.[/quote:57b2b6c778]


(Although you know GWRBI is [url=]no longer an official stat[/url], right?)

[quote:57b2b6c778="Voovits"]I'm curious. Are those stats in the example you gave made up or did they come from a few games of actual simulation?
I only ask because Wally Backman does not have any ballpark homerun effects on his card.[/quote:57b2b6c778]
Both. Actual simulation, of wacky test data. If you want to know, everybody's underlying card in this test is Babe Ruth.

[quote:57b2b6c778="Voovits"]Also, to elaborate on what Coyote said; you may want to be careful about what information you show in a mystery card league. Perhaps hide some of the stats until after the season is over and then reveal it at the end when player seasons are revealed.[/quote:57b2b6c778]
Definitely being considered. I may get the input of you MC players when the time comes. Thanks![/quote:57b2b6c778]

Damn, Bernie. You are THE MAN! :D
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Postby AeroDave10 » Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:42 am

First of all, this is all great stuff and long overdue. I know everyone is excited about tapping into some of these basic outcomes.

I'm not sure how valuable it is to know how many groundballs and flyballs someone hit, since in SOM it's basically irrelevant. Outs are pretty much just outs, including strikeouts.

In the miscellaneous tab, I would like to see rolls on hitter's card, rolls on pitcher's card, [u:7a68fa0a4a]and[/u:7a68fa0a4a] rolls on fielder's card, as well as # of outs converted on each of those three outcomes. I would also like to have that info for both hitters and pitchers.

In the fielding tab, I would like to see the baserunning info for outfielders, like how it is in the miscellaneous tab, to see how well my outfielders are controlling the running game. You have the special info for catchers, but nothing for the outfielders.

Of course, improving the controls for running and stealing beyond the very generalized "very aggressive" through "very conservative" would help massively for baserunning and base stealing, but that may be a separate issue.
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Postby tcochran » Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:55 am

[quote:04d0443029="AeroDave10"]Of course, improving the controls for running and stealing beyond the very generalized "very aggressive" through "very conservative" would help massively for baserunning and base stealing, but that may be a separate issue.[/quote:04d0443029]

Some type of if-then logic would be good for base stealing; e.g., if pitcher's hold rating is +7, then... or if it is -4, then...
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