ANNOUNCEMENT: to be taking over SOM Online

Postby motherscratcher » Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:37 pm

3 pages and nobody has brought up the most important topic:

When the change occurs, there are 4 things that it will be imperative to see (and I think we will all agree on this).

1. a facepalm emoticon
2. a rabbit with a pancake on it's head emoticon
3. a hide behind a couch emoticon
4. a dancing banana

Bernie, please tell us that you have not neglected these crucial additions.
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Postby djkalle » Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:05 pm

Points - I think everyone could be happy if we maintained the old system of points but also formulate a new system (by adding a column?) based on winning percentage, playoff appearances, and titles. We do a different point system when we do a mystery card tournament (sure would like to see another one of those!!)

Then, why not allow people to select the dates they want to look at the points for. For example, you could check who has the most points in the old system since January 1, 2009. Next, you could check who has the most points in the new system with a certain date. You should also be able to select only those teams who have played at least........... 10 or whatever number of teams.

I like looking at the points but please put it far down on the list of important items to take care of.
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Postby elpasopesos » Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:39 pm

I am so excited about this news. Sporting News never had SOM's interest at heart.... at least Strato Itself will support their own product. Sure they are behind the times in technology but it will be better than SN's mysterius blackouts and being ghettoized on a tab that was impossible for newcomers to find.
Lighten up Bernie let the haters, nay sayers, and lovers of the staus quo have their rants, doubts, and objections.

Long live Stratomatic. Long Live Bernie. Long Live HAL. Play Ball!
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Postby Jeff Oldham » Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:39 pm

Hi Bernie,

Congratulations on the site rebuild and the move to Strat.

One concern I do have is will the Game Replay option be available? This feature is terrific!!!! I watch all of my games this way and it has added so much enjoyment for me to the online game. I would miss it terribly if it doesn't make the transition to the new website.


Jeff Oldham
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Postby RAYMONDSTRAWN » Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:26 am

:cry: i am getting old. been playing strat since it first came out, both in 60s and TSN. It has become a younger man's game, and I am OK with it.
Looking forward to 2012. Also, thanks for the memories.
Hope games are cheaper, running out of money, soon will be living on fixed income!
keep it fun for the old guys too.
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Postby WeatherNut » Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:47 am

What's the point system, and why should I care?


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Postby macnole » Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:11 am

[quote:398b6636e9="drfreeze49"]This is great news...elimination of the middle theory prices should drop... :D[/quote:398b6636e9]

Well I guess that's tongue in cheek...they're embarking on infrastucture investment and front end enhancements...I wouldn't expect to see the price drop no matter who took it over, but especially S-O-M based on the rest of their business model.
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Postby macnole » Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:11 am

[quote:fcb0036b1c="nevdully's"]I'd like to see the point system disappear completely.

Keep track of teams, tittles, playoffs, and winning pct, as usual, but the point system adds nothing but the occasional argument here, which we don't need.[/quote:fcb0036b1c]

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Re: The good, the bad, and the ugly

Postby macnole » Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:14 am

[quote:52500de60b="CC-Rox"]Good: the concept of SOM doing SOM is
novel?!? I always felt TSN was never in this
for the baseball like SOM has been for
decades they seemed just in it for the

Ummm....they are in fact a business. Yes, the owner(s) are in it for the money. But I think I get your point--it is still an overall good thing that the company who created the best sim engine will run its online implementation. No argument there.
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Postby macnole » Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:16 am

[quote:8668575451="The Rabid Wolverines"][quote:8668575451="The Rabid Wolverines"]Is it true that manager ratings points will be re-set to zero at time of take over?[/quote:8668575451]

You do realize I was joking...

:lol: 8-) :lol:

I actually think it's a good idea for SOM to retain the manager point system. Some guys are really into the point system. I do not think there is significant meaning to it, as it factors in games played. But I do not think it really matters & I don't think it should be changed.

I do think it could serve another purpose though. And, I think it could be a valuable marketing tool for SOM. Per my previous suggestion, if I would suggest SOM offer a free credit based on the number of points person attains. (example - every 1,000 points you get a complementary credit or maybe a free 5 pack at some level (maybe every 2500pts - just an example).

I think it would be a good cheap incentive to keep people interested and playing over an extended period of time.[/quote:8668575451]

Good idea on incentives to play as well as the incentives to win, however they can implement it
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