Playing in a $200M league.
Team make=up is not ideal, but I did not think that bad...hard to make changes after autodraft gives you what you get, not much on waivers to upgrade with...tried a couple trades, but still felt like team would be competitive.
Started out 12-6 against my division opponents...who coincidentally have the 3rd and 4 th best record teams in the league in there currently.
Since then, the bottom has basically dropped out...going 4-20, with streaks of 6 losses in a row twice and 4 in a row once.
Defense is weak at 3B and LF (and C when Blanchard in), but otherwise pretty good and have all 1's to swap in defensively if HAL ever decides to use them.
Who would have thought the Blanchard/Seminick platoon would be my best offensive threat...?