Now playing: The 2011 Season

Postby TefJ » Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:59 pm

One thing to consider is, most keeper leagues have no salary cap. While you'd be losing a little money if you have really bad luck one of those guys goes down for a long time over the course of a season, you have your usual SS as a backup. Since there is no salary cap, having a lineup with one of these fluke guys, backed up by your usual player is far more powerful than having a slightly better every day guy.

Dan is right in that it can be frustrating to have a guy with 150 AB be the best hitter in the set for a keeper league, as all your hard work assembling a roster can be undone by some good luck with draft picks.
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Postby superflymacdaddyjuice » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:08 pm

Well put.
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Postby Ninersphan » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:14 pm

[quote:7ab35bec20="WPWangfuddle"]One thing to consider is, most keeper leagues have no salary cap. While you'd be losing a little money if you have really bad luck one of those guys goes down for a long time over the course of a season, you have your usual SS as a backup. Since there is no salary cap, having a lineup with one of these fluke guys, backed up by your usual player is far more powerful than having a slightly better every day guy.

Dan is right in that it can be frustrating to have a guy with 150 AB be the best hitter in the set for a keeper league, as all your hard work assembling a roster can be undone by some [b:7ab35bec20]good luck with draft picks[/b:7ab35bec20].[/quote:7ab35bec20]

And why would it be good luck with draft picks?? If you are picking high enough to take one of these guys chances are your team sucked the year before, at least in a keeper league situation, that means bad luck, not good luck.

I'd also argue that the league title comes down to luck anyway no matter how skilled you are putting together a roster. How many times have we seen 100+ win teams fall in the first round of the playoffs to 85 win teams due to lucky dice rolls?? Hmmmmm

Hell, in one of the keeper leagues I run, NAKL, we had two, 100+ win teams last year, one with 108 wins and one with 101, BOTH teams were ousted in the first round of the playoffs and the championship team was the one with the fewest wins entering post season play.

The luck argument rings VERY hollow with me when the game is based on dice rolls. :wink:
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Postby schnoogens » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:39 pm

[quote:53a030cf36="thisisdan26"]I can certainly see what Bernie said about the "Unleashed" set being used specifically by Keeper Leagues, Pre-Card leagues, etc. Honestly, its no secret to anyone that this set exists and is available.

In my opinion, I think the main reason that Keeper League don't use the set is because there are actual "super fluke" cards out there (Parmalee, Pill, D. Murphy '10, C. Wells '10, Ryal '09, Avila '09) that can really make a HUGE difference on a team.

Just imagine your in a division race with your well planned out team with a Tulo, Votto, etc. and someone that snags a Donnie Murphy and Casper wells beats you out. Idk, it'd irk me.[/quote:53a030cf36]

I 100% agree with this.
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Postby keyzick » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:42 pm

I actually like the idea of the flukey players showing up in the keeper leagues, primarily because it gives the crappier teams (ie, picking at the top cause they finished in the basement) a shot in the arm for a better chance in being immediately competitive, rather than just hoping some of their keepers develop over next couple years.

It also helps with league turnover, so teams don't get discouraged and not return the following year...there's always a chance!
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Postby Ninersphan » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:46 pm

[quote:0634a09508="keyzick"]I actually like the idea of the flukey players showing up in the keeper leagues, primarily because it gives the crappier teams (ie, picking at the top cause they finished in the basement) a shot in the arm for a better chance in being immediately competitive, rather than just hoping some of their keepers develop over next couple years.

It also helps with league turnover, so teams don't get discouraged and not return the following year...there's always a chance![/quote:0634a09508]
Yep [/b:0634a09508] :D

[quote:0634a09508="Schnoogens"][quote:0634a09508="thisisdan26"]I can certainly see what Bernie said about the "Unleashed" set being used specifically by Keeper Leagues, Pre-Card leagues, etc. Honestly, its no secret to anyone that this set exists and is available.

In my opinion, I think the main reason that Keeper League don't use the set is because there are actual "super fluke" cards out there (Parmalee, Pill, D. Murphy '10, C. Wells '10, Ryal '09, Avila '09) that can really make a HUGE difference on a team.

Just imagine your in a division race with your well planned out team with a Tulo, Votto, etc. and someone that snags a Donnie Murphy and Casper wells beats you out. Idk, it'd irk me.[/quote:0634a09508]

I 100% agree with this.[/quote:0634a09508]

and I don't.

You guys are hung up on names,
if all the cards said John Smith for player names, you wouldn't care.
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Postby geekor » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:48 pm

[quote:6cc293ce91="Schnoogens"][quote:6cc293ce91="thisisdan26"]I can certainly see what Bernie said about the "Unleashed" set being used specifically by Keeper Leagues, Pre-Card leagues, etc. Honestly, its no secret to anyone that this set exists and is available.

In my opinion, I think the main reason that Keeper League don't use the set is because there are actual "super fluke" cards out there (Parmalee, Pill, D. Murphy '10, C. Wells '10, Ryal '09, Avila '09) that can really make a HUGE difference on a team.

Just imagine your in a division race with your well planned out team with a Tulo, Votto, etc. and someone that snags a Donnie Murphy and Casper wells beats you out. Idk, it'd irk me.[/quote:6cc293ce91]

I 100% agree with this.[/quote:6cc293ce91]

this is exactly this problem. Unleashed should be specifically for guys like Parmelee or Pill, not for guys like De Aza or Perez

My theory, is that they needed to make the unleashed set have enough guys to keep that feature alive, so Bernie had to choose some guys to be pushed out. Cause honestly, there would be 2 guys (non DH) that are really draftable otherwise. I think it was a business decision, because show me a guy like de Aza that was kept out prior to this year? I can't find him.
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:48 pm

I understand everything that both sides are saying.

The misunderstanding is what is deemed too fluky?

Lawrie 150ab's 166pa's .293 .373 .580 .953ops 3R $7.26M 3e23

De Aza 152ab's 169pa's .329 .400 .520 .920ops 3R $7.05M 3(+1)e4

they look very similar to me. Both were basically rookie call-ups in July/August.

One is in, one is out. HOW? WHY?
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Postby FRANKMANSUETO » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:51 pm

Can't agree more with this point. :?
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Postby superflymacdaddyjuice » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:55 pm

De aza could win a batting title, lawrie cannot. De aza has an injury on the twelve, lawrie is on the eleven. Just two differences I noticed. Also and this I admit is just conjecture but lawrie can post many more cards that good or better. De aza not bloody likely...
Last edited by superflymacdaddyjuice on Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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