Reelin' in the Years League

Postby lumbercompanysouth » Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:58 am

1. Unleashed or regular. If unleashed, which unleashed players are allowed in? Which season does this start?

manleeman - Leashed
he's meat leashed
CATom- unleashed, EVERY CARD
JMP1 -unleased. Keep it simple. All cards starting with 2012.
lumberco - Leashed
tcochran - unleashed, all unleashed cards are available, starting with 2012 set.
joekendall - unleashed with AB and IP limits. 2012 set.
padrenurgle - unleashed, all unleashed cards are available, starting with 2012 set.
jflatour99- unleashed, all cards avail. 2012 set.

2. Prospect draft or not. If so, how many players, how is the draft order determined, and when must they be promoted or released?

manleeman - 5 prospect draft,10 max,keep 4 years based on record,non-serpentine draft now
he's meat padres proposal
CATom - NO prospect draft
JMP1 - Yes. 4 players per team - who have never received a card. Draft order based on previous card set's record (2 seasons to balance unbalanced divisions). Prospects can be kept until they receive a card. 10 Prospects max.
lumberco - 5 prospect draft,10 max, None serpentine
tcochran - Yes. 4 players per team - who have never received a card. Draft order based on previous card set's record (1 or 2 seasons). Prospects can be kept until they receive a card. 10 Prospects max.
joekendall - Yes. 4 players per team. Draft order based on previous season's record. Prospects can be kept indefinitely. 10 Prospects max.
padrenurgle - Yes. 3 players per team. I think it's VERY IMPORTANT to limit the number of prospects we can keep, otherwise the annual free agent draft will suck. There will never be any exciting new players in the standard draft if we have 120 minor leaguers locked up. Very few per team, 3 or 4. Draft order random and snaking. Minor league players may be kept forever or until carded for the first time. Established players who don't get carded one year are not eligible as "prospects."
jflatour99- Yes. Same as Padrenurgle's

3. Do we continue to pare down from 40 to 30 prior to the FA draft, or some other number?

manleeman - 30 keepers as You guys won,t buy 5
he's meat 30
CATom - 40
JMP1 - 30
lumberco - 30 keepers
tcochran - keep it the same. 30.
joekendall - 30
padrenurgle - keep it the same. 30.
jflatour99- keep 30

4. Do changes start in 2012 season cards or 2011 season cards?

manleeman- start in 2011
he's meat 2012
CATom - start '12
JMP1 - Prospect draft starts after annual draft for 2011 card set; other changes take effect with 2012 set.
lumberco - start in 2011
tcochran - Prospect draft starts after annual draft for 2011 card set; other changes take effect with 2012 set
joekendall - 2012
padrenurgle - Changes take place after 2011 RITY season is played
jflatour99- 2012

5. Shall we play 1 or 2 seasons with each card set? If 2, should there be a 3-round supplemental draft between seasons? Also, if 2, should next FA draft sequence be based on combined 2-season records?

manleeman - two season I a a glutton for punishment
he's meat two, combined for draft
CATom - 2 seasons / NO FA dratf
JMP1 - Let's play 2! Yes to supp draft.
lumberco Two and Combined
tcochran - 1 season; but if 2, then yes to supp draft and yes to using combined records
padrenurgle - I'd say 1 season but am willing to play 2, BUT I think only the first one should "count" for league records etc.
jflatour99- open to 2 seasons , combined records

6. Misc housekeeping:

a. Start draft for 2012 card set on June 1?
b. No clock in 1st round of drafts from 2012 card set forward?
c. Fill rosters to 40 players during FA draft?
d. Break ties based on head-to-head records of recent seasons, going back one card set at a time (instead of previous "cumulative" rule)

he's meat june 1, 24 hour clock first, 30, recent
CATom - May 1, 3 hr clock, 40. YES.
JMP1 - June 1; 24 hour clock in 1st rd.; 40; abstain.
lumberco June 1 No Clock in 1st, 40 Recent
tcochran - June 1, no clock, 40, recent seasons
padrenurgle - June 1 is fine, no clock for new drafts as long as all managers have posted on the thread within a week of the draft, rosters should be 40, I don't care how ties are broken
jflatour99- June 1, no clock, 40, recent seasons
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Postby RICHARDGAGNON » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:12 am

5.1 season
6. A-sooner
D-head to head
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Postby tcochran » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:34 am

1. Unleashed or regular. If unleashed, which unleashed players are allowed in? Which season does this start?

manleeman - Leashed
he's meat leashed
CATom- unleashed, EVERY CARD
JMP1 -unleased. Keep it simple. All cards starting with 2012.
herge - unleashed
lumberco - Leashed
tcochran - unleashed, all unleashed cards are available, starting with 2012 set.
joekendall - unleashed with AB and IP limits. 2012 set.
padrenurgle - unleashed, all unleashed cards are available, starting with 2012 set.
jflatour99- unleashed, all cards avail. 2012 set.

2. Prospect draft or not. If so, how many players, how is the draft order determined, and when must they be promoted or released?

manleeman - 5 prospect draft,10 max,keep 4 years based on record,non-serpentine draft now
he's meat padres proposal
CATom - NO prospect draft
JMP1 - Yes. 4 players per team - who have never received a card. Draft order based on previous card set's record (2 seasons to balance unbalanced divisions). Prospects can be kept until they receive a card. 10 Prospects max.
herge - no
lumberco - 5 prospect draft,10 max, None serpentine
tcochran - Yes. 4 players per team - who have never received a card. Draft order based on previous card set's record (1 or 2 seasons). Prospects can be kept until they receive a card. 10 Prospects max.
joekendall - Yes. 4 players per team. Draft order based on previous season's record. Prospects can be kept indefinitely. 10 Prospects max.
padrenurgle - Yes. 3 players per team. I think it's VERY IMPORTANT to limit the number of prospects we can keep, otherwise the annual free agent draft will suck. There will never be any exciting new players in the standard draft if we have 120 minor leaguers locked up. Very few per team, 3 or 4. Draft order random and snaking. Minor league players may be kept forever or until carded for the first time. Established players who don't get carded one year are not eligible as "prospects."
jflatour99- Yes. Same as Padrenurgle's

3. Do we continue to pare down from 40 to 30 prior to the FA draft, or some other number?

manleeman - 30 keepers as You guys won,t buy 5
he's meat 30
CATom - 40
JMP1 - 30
herge - 30
lumberco - 30 keepers
tcochran - keep it the same. 30.
joekendall - 30
padrenurgle - keep it the same. 30.
jflatour99- keep 30

4. Do changes start in 2012 season cards or 2011 season cards?

manleeman- start in 2011
he's meat 2012
CATom - start '12
JMP1 - Prospect draft starts after annual draft for 2011 card set; other changes take effect with 2012 set.
herge - 2012
lumberco - start in 2011
tcochran - Prospect draft starts after annual draft for 2011 card set; other changes take effect with 2012 set
joekendall - 2012
padrenurgle - Changes take place after 2011 RITY season is played
jflatour99- 2012

5. Shall we play 1 or 2 seasons with each card set? If 2, should there be a 3-round supplemental draft between seasons? Also, if 2, should next FA draft sequence be based on combined 2-season records?

manleeman - two season I a a glutton for punishment
he's meat two, combined for draft
CATom - 2 seasons / NO FA dratf
JMP1 - Let's play 2! Yes to supp draft.
herge - 1 season
lumberco Two and Combined
tcochran - 1 season; but if 2, then yes to supp draft and yes to using combined records
padrenurgle - I'd say 1 season but am willing to play 2, BUT I think only the first one should "count" for league records etc.
jflatour99- open to 2 seasons , combined records

6. Misc housekeeping:

a. Start draft for 2012 card set on June 1?
b. No clock in 1st round of drafts from 2012 card set forward?
c. Fill rosters to 40 players during FA draft?
d. Break ties based on head-to-head records of recent seasons, going back one card set at a time (instead of previous "cumulative" rule)

he's meat june 1, 24 hour clock first, 30, recent
CATom - May 1, 3 hr clock, 40. YES.
JMP1 - June 1; 24 hour clock in 1st rd.; 40; abstain.
herge - A-sooner, B-clock, C-40, D-head to head
lumberco June 1 No Clock in 1st, 40 Recent
tcochran - June 1, no clock, 40, recent seasons
padrenurgle - June 1 is fine, no clock for new drafts as long as all managers have posted on the thread within a week of the draft, rosters should be 40, I don't care how ties are broken
jflatour99- June 1, no clock, 40, recent seasons
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Postby tcochran » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:38 am

Rosters updated at

[b:9022e1919e]Still need drops from:

NOTE: Divisions are NOT properly shown. Will be corrected shortly!
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Postby tcochran » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:50 am

OK, updated now with correct divisions shown at
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* pitchers

Postby CATom » Tue Mar 27, 2012 12:31 pm

available --- J. Sanchez & R. Dempster available for non * OR draft choices.

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Postby ggrover15 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:05 pm

sorry been out... Will get my drops in tomorrow morning....
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Postby JMP1 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:00 pm

Killermarc please check your PM.
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Game 7 tonight

Postby padrenurgle1 » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:44 am

I've outscored the Bums 51 to 26, and out hit them 82-50, but we head to game 7 tied 3-3. I also get 3 of my injured guys back for Game 7. Stay tuned!

By the way, does anyone else go all Tony LaRussa like I do with the overmanaging in the playoffs? I find myself doing things I wouldn't do during the regular season, especially when it comes down to 1 game per night and the higher predictability of those games. Like dropping Ichiro to 8th against problem lefties, or putting a quick hook on a guy you normally let work, or letting Cs steal bases or Bs not when you know you're going against certain hold combos...
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Postby willmurr24 » Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:29 pm

r wells
m mora
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