1ST LIVE DRAFT 2 left to fill PM, SPLINTER,

Postby AeroDave10 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:26 pm

The point is that the last pick expired at 11:58:38 PM EDT, which is before midnight. That means that he's meat should be allowed to make the next selection. He can choose to wait for bigmahon or make his selection anytime up until just before 1 PM EDT tomorrow. As soon as he picks, though, the next guy in line (the splinter) is also free to choose.

The time for bigmahon in Round 5 was 8:58:38 PM EDT to 11:58:38 PM EDT. That time is up.
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Postby MEAT » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:33 pm

once again, go out to dinner and all NOTHING breaks lose. thought I had to worry about whether my proxies would hold into NEXT ROUND. the reality is, if I pick, and Im inclined to, whoever has proxied, those picks will also fire. we could be into next round before it pauses with the clock off, but yes, that should have already happened had I been around to pick manually. Ive asked everyone numerous times to give me texting or email to get ahold of you for times like this. the shields situation was a malfunction of the draft sight...this, with no update, is absence, and the more of these we have, the more owners will get blase' and not check in or set proxies because they figure the draft is going nowhere. NO ONE has heard from big or is in a league with him?
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Postby MEAT » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:36 pm

I also posted last night, please feel free and I encourage you to keep picking with the clock off...just don't skip. my experience is a lot of ground can be made in the wee hours especially since we're all in different time zones and work schedules, and in other countries in some cases. check in here if you're indisposed, this group seems more than willing to accomodate with notice.
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Postby Cubs48 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:37 pm

So you 're going to skip somebody for a minute and 22 seconds on the clock after all the screw-ups we had today ? Sounds a little harsh to me but do whatever the Commish decides.If I'm not mistaken bigmahon is overseas in the UK or somewhere so he's about 8 hours ahead of us.....unless I dreamt that.... 8-)
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Postby AeroDave10 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:37 pm

I think you go ahead and make your pick (which you may have to turn the clock on to do), and then let those proxies fire. I'd like to make my picks before going to bed here.

I think bigmahon is in the UK, but he obviously is aware of the time difference and the rules that were set up.

As for the "1 minute", is it really fair that he actually gets the 3 hours he really had plus all night long and into the next morning while the clock is turned off??
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Postby MEAT » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:44 pm

its not fiar, and in the drafts ive done on ilc, whatever time used up the night before is carried over, in which case he'd have until 10:02 am, but the clock has already expired, and unfortunetly DD doesn't work that way anyhow, unless the clock is turned on manually, early.l
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Postby Cubs48 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:44 pm

When the clock is off,it's supposed to stay off....since he's meat didn't pick before the clock was supposed to turn off you can't just arbitrarily turn it back on so someone can pick IMO.... :shock:
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Postby MEAT » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:47 pm

so who just went in and turned the clock off?! a minute ago, it said clock expired, you may make you're pick. I really doubt it switches off on the quarter hour.
now the decision may be made, since I can't pick.
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Postby AeroDave10 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:47 pm

I'll admit that I don't like using proxies at all, and I usually don't need to use them because I'm around a computer often enough that it doesn't matter. I just want to keep this going and hate when I hold the draft up. I was under the impression that a good number of picks could be made if we skipped over bigmahon since his allotted time has passed.

Ultimately, meat is the commish and rule however he sees fit.
Last edited by AeroDave10 on Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paul_Long71 » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:47 pm

yeah, why piss anyone off for this small (2mins) technicality. Just see if he picks during the night. Many of us are on here now and for the next hour or so checking the games that get run at this time of night, maybe he'll show.

if not, turn it on in the morning when the clock is supposed to be turned on and have at it
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